


October 17, 2024

This Saturday, October 19, is the  Men's Golf Outing  at  The Bridges Golf Course of Henderson .  If you're signed up, please be there prior to 11 AM.  If you're not signed up but would like to play contact the church today and we'll get you in touch with Bill Partridge, or you can contact Bill directly. Once again, we will be meeting for Prayer on Tuesday, October 22, during the lunchtime hour of 12 to 1 PM.  If you're available for part or all of this hour, please join us in the sanctuary at ALCC. Wednesday, October 23, is the Young at Heart Luncheon at 11 AM in the Fellowship Hall.  If you're over 50, you won't want to miss this monthly event hosted by Pastor Mark and Lisa. Ladies' Prayer Group meets Thursday, October 17, at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room. Here are some other events coming up later this month: Next Friday, October 25, is the Bethlehem Costume Cutting Party at 9 AM in the Fellowship Hall.  Be sure to have your donated sheets to t

October 10, 2024

This Saturday, October 12, is the monthly  Men's Breakfast  in the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 AM. As always, there will be a great meal and a special speaker. We are celebrating Pastor Appreciation this Sunday, October 13.  Be sure to bring in any notes, cards, or gifts and place them in the baskets on the table in the sanctuary.  The pastors will be taking them home after church.  If you prefer (or in addition to) you can give in the offering towards Pastor Appreciation.  All that is collected will be divided among the pastors.  To do this, simply mark your offering envelope "Pastor Appreciation" or choose "Pastor Appreciation" in the fund drop down list if you give online . This week Pastor Troy held our first Tuesday Prayer time.  If you missed it this week, that's ok, because we will hold this lunchtime prayer event most Tuesdays of every month.  The only Tuesday we will NOT meet would be the day before First Wednesday.  So feel free to join us next week

October 3, 2024

It may be beginning to look a little like Christmas at ALCC but we are NOT decorating this early.  October is the month to prepare for Operation Christmas Child so our shoeboxes can reach children all around the world in December.  Last year our shoeboxes went to children in Georgia (the country formerly in the USSR, not the state).  We need your help to bless even more children this year.  Here are the ways you can get involved: Pick up a shoebox tag at the Hospitality Desk and fill a box (or boxes) yourself.  Return the box plus $10 for shipping to the Prayer Room by November 3. Pick up supplies to fill the church boxes.  There are Christmas trees in the sanctuary and back foyer with ornaments listing special "wow" items you can buy or go HERE for more gift suggestion and even a link to the OCC Amazon storefront.  All items need to be brought to the church no later than October 20 and placed in the collection box in the foyer. Come to the Packing Party in the Fellowshi

September 26, 2024

Join us this weekend for Celebration Sunday !  We'll have communion, testimonies, water baptisms and more in both services. If you serve at ALCC (or would like to) be sure to attend the Dream Team Rally , Sunday, September 29, at 5:30 PM.  We will have a time of dessert and mingling, as well as worship and vision casting.  For more information, see Pastor Tyler. October 1 is Tuesday so here is the calendar: Note that the Remnant meets this coming Tuesday, October 1, at 6:30 PM and First Wednesday is on October 2 - meal at 5:15 PM and service at 6:30 PM.

September 19, 2024

Monday, September 23, the Ladies' Book Club meets at Jalisco at 6 PM.  Come enjoy the chips and salsa while you discuss some good books.  All women are welcome!  See Michelle Miller for more information. Anyone over 50 is welcome to attend the upcoming Young at Heart Luncheon on Wednesday, September 25, at 11 AM in the Fellowship Hall.  Invite your friends! The Ladies' Prayer Group meets again next Thursday, September 26, at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room. Celebration Sunday is coming up Sunday, September 29.  You won't want to miss this fun morning as we celebrate all God is doing at ALCC.  As unusual, we will be having water baptisms, so if you're ready to take that step of faith, sign up at the Hospitality Desk. Also on September 29, we will be hosting  Life Track  immediately following 2nd service.  Life Track is a great way to learn about ALCC, how God made you special, and where you can serve on the ALCC Dream Team.  If you know someone new at Abundant Life,

September 12, 2024

This Sunday we welcome back Pastor Troy and Carla from their sabbatical.  You won't want to miss PT's first week back in the pulpit.  Join us at 9 or 10:45 AM in person or livestreamed. We have one more September birthday for the ALCC staff!  Christina Traweek's Birthday is Monday, September 16.  Why not send her birthday blessings by card, text, or social media post!   The Remnant men's bible study meets on Tuesday, September 17, at 6:30 PM. The Ladies' Prayer Group meets again next Thursday, September 19, in the ALCC Prayer Room at 9:30 AM. Pastor Appreciation is coming up in October!  Be watching for an email giving you all the information of how you can show your love and appreciation to our pastors. Celebration Sunday is coming up on September 29.  We'll have baptisms, testimonies, communion and more!  If you'd like to be baptized, sign up at the hospitality desk.