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August 3-8

It's another great week at ALCC!  Thanks for reading our blog - be sure to share it with others.  Simply click on the share symbol (the   thingy with dots on the ends) and then post it to Facebook & Twitter or you can email the link to someone.

This past Sunday we had a message from Pastor Troy.  I heard it was good, but I was needed in the nursery last minute so I missed it.  I need to watch it on our YouTube channel.  If you missed it too, you can find the recording of our live stream HERE.

Here are this week's events...

Coming up this Sunday, we will begin sign-ups for all ALCC Small Groups.  Be looking for group descriptions and sign-up sheets in the seat backs.  Take one home and think about it, or fill it out and drop it in one of our offering drop boxes.  There are four drop boxes in the sanctuary, one in the foyer and one in the Fellowship Hall.

If you haven't already, you can sign up to receive a notification each time I post to this blog.  For a text message, text the word "follow" to 853-3437 and for an email contact me (Kim) at

Have a great week!!


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