August 8-16

Hello ALCC Family!  I hope you are having a terrific week so far!

How are you coping with the challenging times we are living in?  Do you have "Even If" faith to see you through?  If you don't know what I'm talking about, you must have missed Pastor Tyler's message yesterday.  It was a great Sunday School type lesson based on the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendigo.  If you missed it head to our YouTube channel and watch it soon!  It was awesome!!

Here are the events coming up this week:

For those of you with Middle and High School students, we are having GZ on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM.  Follow them on Instagram for up to date information.

Don't forget we are providing Covid Care Packages for our church family and their family and friends in our area.  If you or someone you're close to has Covid-19 or are being quarantined due to exposure, let us know so we can send them a package to cheer them up!  Just call the church office at 812-853-3437 or email me at and we'll be sure to get a package out ASAP!

Also, if you haven't done so already, let us know if you'd like to take part in any small groups that may be available this fall.  You can fill out a survey at church and drop it in an offering box, or you can fill one out online at our website.


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