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March 11, 2021

This past Sunday, Pastor Troy continued his message on "Happy is the Home that knows how to handle the Sword of the Spirit correctly." If you missed this message or the previous one, you can find the recording of our live-stream on our YouTube channel.

Ladies, an event for you was just announced this week!  Sister Co. will hold Bunco Night, Monday, March 15, at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.  Pack a snack and come enjoy this fun night.

Sister Co. is also holding an "Egg My Yard" fundraiser for Easter.  

You can pay to have our ladies come and fill your yard (or maybe your grandchildren's yard) with filled Easter eggs.  You choose how many eggs (25 for $25, 50 for $45, or 100 for $75) and they will be in the yard Saturday morning, April 3.  You can find out more information and pay for your eggs at the check-in desk on Sunday mornings.  The last day to purchase your eggs is Sunday, March 28.

This coming Wednesday, March 17, is St. Patrick's Day.  While this Irish holiday has become a silly day for leprechauns and debauchery, it's roots are worth sharing.  

The man for whom this day is named was a teenager in Britain when he was captured in a raid and became a slave in what was still a radically pagan Ireland.  Far from home, he clung to the religion he had ignored in his youth.  Even though his grandfather had been a priest and his father a deacon, Patrick "knew not the true God."  Forced to tend his master's sheep, isolated and alone, he spent his time mainly in prayer.  After six years, he believed he was lead by God to escape his master and returned to Britain where he went into the ministry.  Patrick was in his mid-40s when God called him to return to Ireland as a missionary.  One of Patrick's earliest converts was his former master.  He made missionary journeys all over Ireland and it soon became known as one of Europe's Christian centers.  This, of course, was very important for fifth-century Christians, for whom Ireland was the "ends of the Earth."  So this St. Patrick's Day, as you wear green or see others do so, think of this missionary used by God, and how God can use you too.

Remember to be in prayer for ALCC to have the best Easter ever!  You can do so by participating in our Neighborhood Prayer Walk.  You can do this in your own neighborhood, or join friends as they walk in theirs.  There is a sign up sheet at the desk in the church foyer so that we can see what neighborhoods are being covered in prayer.  For more information, see Pastor Johnathan or Julie West.

Don't forget to "Spring Forward" this weekend and be sure to join us Sunday, either in-person or online!


Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash

Photo byRobert V. Ruggiero on Unsplash

Photo by Ronnie George on Unsplash

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