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Showing posts from November, 2021

November 24, 2021

Abundant Life wishes  you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving! This Sunday we begin the Advent Season as we count down to Christmas.  If you are looking for a way to share some " Comfort and Joy " this season, here is a Kindness Calendar for you and your family: This is a great way to spread the love of Christ this holiday season with your family and in your community! Coming up next week on Wednesday, December 1, we have the Young at Heart Luncheon at 11 AM.  Our 50+ crowd won't want to miss this special Christmas event!  All are welcome, so invite your friends to join us. Also on Wednesday, December 1, there will be a walk-through for Bethlehem Revisited at 6:30 PM.  If you are donating items (or letting us borrow items) please bring them this day.  If you are helping as a costumed character of any kind, please come to be fitted for a costume.  You'll also get a chance to walk through our village, see where you'll be stationed, and get more information

November 18, 2021

One week until Thanksgiving!  Hope you've been able to take time this month and Give Thanks for all your blessings! If you haven't yet had a chance to turn one in, this Sunday we will once again be collecting Missions Faith Promises.  Please prayerfully consider how you might give to Missions at ALCC. We are still looking for donations and volunteers for Bethlehem Revisited.  Even if you assume we know you're helping, please fill out a form!   You can find an online form HERE or pick up a paper form on Sunday and put it in the offering or drop boxes. We have a lot coming up in December, and several events are early in the month, so I'm getting the calendar out now so you can be sure to save the dates! See you Sunday! Resources: Photo by  Annie Spratt  on  Unsplash

November 11, 2021

Happy Veterans Day and a very special Thank You to all who have served our country! Don't forget the Global Family Reveal this Saturday, November 13, at 5:30 PM in the GZ building.  There will be a meal with foods from around the world to enjoy as we hear from Jason Morrison, missionary to Serbia and our special guest speaker, Mark Renfroe:  "Most of us pass dozens of churches each week as we go about our daily lives, but this is not the case in most parts of the Muslim World.  Some countries have no known church where local people worship.  We are sending all kinds of people into this spiritually needy area, and God is helping us see the lost come to Christ in the darkest of places.  Maybe God is calling you to join us in our efforts to reach the frontier."  Bring the family out for this great event! Childcare will be available for children 4 years old and under. Bethlehem Revisited is just one month away!  You can sign up to help or donate items HERE .  Even if your Li

November 4, 2021

Happy November!  What a great month to remember all that we are thankful for!  Last night was our First Wednesday Praise & Prayer service.  It was a great night Thanking God for all He has done and will do in the coming days.  We also had an official Christmas Lights "ceremony".  We may be a little early, but it's always a great time to spread the light of Christ in our community! This Saturday, November 6, is Mimi Montoya's Birthday ! 🥳 Be sure to wish her a very happy day! Also this Saturday is our monthly Men's Breakfas t at 8:30 AM, a great time for guys to meet up over a good meal.  Invite your friends and meet in the Fellowship Hall. Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend. ⏰ Don't forget to Fall Back Saturday night! Be sure to get your tickets! The  Global Family Reveal is coming up Saturday, November 13 at 5:30 PM with guest speaker Mark Renfroe . Mark and his wife, Amy, have been missionaries since 1991.  With a focus on the Arab people, they