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Showing posts from January, 2022

January 27, 2022

This Sunday is Celebration Sunday !  Join us as we celebrate all that God has done and continues to do in our lives.  As part of the celebration, we will hold water baptisms.  If you or someone you know would like to be baptized, call or text the church at 812.853.3437. Sunday evening, the ALCC Young Adults group will hold it's first Worship Night.  Anyone 18-30 years old is encouraged to attend in the GZ building @ 5:30 PM.  To find out more about this group, see Pastor Tyler & Mackenzie and follow them on Instagram .  February starts on Tuesday, so here is the calendar: Please note, with winter weather and sickness, all events are subject to postponement or cancelation.  We'll do our best to let you know of any changes via text and/or email, plus you can always stay in the loop by following us on Facebook and Instagram . Several of the events listed above are coming up next week: Mama Co. is Tuesday morning February 1, at 9:15 AM, while The Remnant Bible study group m

January 20, 2021

Join us this weekend as we wrap up our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting with Miracle Sunday!   We will be joined by evangelist Doug Eccles  in both services.  Be praying for these services and come expecting Jesus to do great big things!  On Sunday evening, ALCC Youth will be hosting Z Night in the GZ building at 5:30 PM.  This event is open to all Middle and High School students. The monthly Young at Heart Luncheon is scheduled for Wednesday, January 26, at 11 AM.  We'll be sure to let you know more information in the days to come, but thanks for being flexible if our plans need to change. Next Sunday, January 30 will be Celebration Sunday with testimonies and Water Baptism .  If you'd like to be baptized, call or text the church office at 812.853.3437. The ALCC Young Adults will hold their first Worship Night on, Sunday, January 30, at 5:30 PM in the GZ building.  This ministry is for anyone 18-30 years of age.  More information about this group will be available this Sund

January 13, 2022

I'm sure you've already received the email from Pastor Troy, but due to the sicknesses going around (not to mention the threat of snow this weekend) services will be virtual this Sunday, January 16 .  Join us on Facebook or on  YouTube  at 9 or 10:45 AM. Pastor will be continuing his message from last Sunday, How to Keep in Step with the Spirit .   You can find the notes for this message on the You Version Bible App under Events.  Also, if you missed the first part of this message, you can find a video podcast on our website, . This time of year with sickness and weather you never know what changes may need to be made to our regularly scheduled events.  Thank you for being flexible and faithful!  We will do our best to let you know via email, text, Facebook and Instagram  of any changes to our schedule.  That being said, Mama Co. and The Remnant are on the calendar for Tuesday, January 18. 2021 Contributions statements are ready!  Save us a stamp and pick yours up a

January 6, 2021

Happy New Year! I'm trusting 2022 is off to a good start and I hope you're staying safe in this snow!   Monday we began 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting - 21 in '22 - focusing on Matthew 21:22 "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." It's not too late to join in!  As a church we are fasting one meal a day - keeping it simple!  If you have committed to fasting this month, send us a message or note it on a Connection Card on Sunday so Pastor Troy has an idea of how many are participating.  Also, during the mealtime you choose to fast, we encourage you to spend time in prayer, scripture reading, and meditation.  You can pick up a "Pray Helps" sheet in the sanctuary (purple paper) to help focus your prayer times this month. Saturday, January 8, is the Man2Man monthly Men's Breakfast .  All men are welcome to attend, so invite your family and friends for a great meal at 8:30 AM.  As always, there will be an encouraging word fo