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Showing posts from February, 2022

February 24, 2022

Just a reminder, for all those who purchased tickets, tonight is the Man2Man Banquet at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Tomorrow is Carla's birthday!  Why not send her a "happy birthday" text or post on social media and let her know how much we love her! Sunday we will have guest speaker Kevin Kappler... Kevin, a native of southern Missouri, has served in various pastoral roles for the past several years, including several years on staff at Abundant Life.  After years of police chaplaincy experience, Kevin completed the Mineral Area College Law Enforcement Academy program in 2020 to earn his degree in Criminal Justice and Missouri POST certification.  He now serves as a US Missionary to Law Enforcement first responders through the mission of Chaplaincy and continues to serve as Chaplain for the Farmington City PD and St. Francois County Ambulance District.  Kevin will be with us in both services, sharing his heart for first responders, and I'm sure he will also share

February 17, 2022

This Sunday, Pastor Troy will conclude his sermon series, "Love Thy Neighbor" .  If you missed either of the previous messages, you can find them HERE . Wednesday, February 23, is our monthly Young at Heart Luncheon .  If you're 50+ and available around the lunch hour, you won't want to miss it!   It all starts in the Fellowship Hall at 11 AM with a time of worship and a devotion.  There is always a great meal and even better time visiting with friends.  All are welcome, so invite your friends. The Ladies' Prayer Group will meet again on Thursday, February 24, for an hour starting at 9:30 AM in the Prayer Room.  All women are welcome to attend this time of focused prayer. This Sunday is the last day to purchase a ticket to the Man2Man Banquet !  Be sure to get yours! Carla Boulware has a birthday coming up next Friday, February 25.  Plan ahead now to send a card, write her a note, or send her a text! March will be here before you know it!  There is a lot going on

February 10, 2022

Hope you're having a great week! The men's ministry has rescheduled last week's breakfast to this coming Saturday, February 12.  All men are welcome to attend! Sunday, Pastor Troy will continue his sermon series: This series applies the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10 to our lives.  If you missed Part 1, catch up with our video podcast HERE . What a great time of year to show love to our "Neighbors"!  Monday is Valentine's Day.  Originally a day to celebrate several early Christian martyrs named Valentine, it's the perfect opportunity to share the love of Christ with others. On Tuesday we have several things going on.  At 9:15 AM the Mama Co. mom's group meet for some much needed "adult time".  Then that evening, The Remnant men's Bible study group as well as the Sister Co. Bunco Night will be held at 6:30 PM.  Be sure to check with the respective Facebook Groups/Events for more specific details. Thursday the Ladies' Prayer

February 3, 2022

Hope you're staying warm and safe in this weather.  As you may have guessed, the church office is closed today.  As of now, no changes have been made to the schedule for this coming weekend.  If any cancellations need to be made we will be sure to let you know via text, email, and on social media. Saturday, the men will hold their monthly Men's Breakfast .  Come out for a great meal at 8:30 AM and hear guest speaker, Jim Turpin.  Afterwards, we are needing some help renovating the old kid's church building for the Spanish Church.  If you're available to lend a hand, come wearing your work clothes! This Sunday, Pastor Troy will begin a new sermon series, " Love Thy Neighbor ".  You won't want to miss it!  Join us at 9 or 10:45 AM.  As always, a live-stream of our service will be available on Facebook or YouTube . The Man 2 Man men's ministry will be holding a banquet on Thursday, February 24, at 6:30 PM.  Catering will be by the Schnitzelbank and ticke