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March 17, 2022

It's good to know about the man for whom this day is named.  Patrick was born into a wealthy family in Roman Britain. As a teenager, he was captured in a raid and taken as a slave to Ireland.  Forced to tend his master's sheep, he spent his years of bondage mostly in solitude and in prayer.  After he escaped, he went into the ministry and in his mid-40s he returned to Ireland as a Missionary.  One of Patrick's first converts was his former master.  So instead of leprechauns, parades, and rivers dyed green, let's think of the man who shared the love of Jesus with an entire country.

Saturday, March 19th, is Mackenzie's Birthday!  Why not wish her a blessed day via text or on social media and let her know you're thinking of her!

Sister Co. is having it's annual Egg My Yard fundraiser: 
Purchase your eggs via cash, check (made out to ALCC WMs), or Venmo.  Order forms are available at the Hospitality Desk.  Eggs will be placed in yards after sunset on April 15th so the kiddos will wake up to a fun egg hunt!  

Next Thursday, our Ladies' Prayer Group will meet at 9:30 AM in the Prayer Room.  All Women are welcome to attend this time of prayer.

ALCC Members, mark your calendars!  Our Annual Business Meeting will be held Sunday, March 27th at 2:30 PM.  Be sure to make plans to be here as we go over all that happened in 2021, vote in new Deacons, and look to the future at ALCC.

Did you know we have a Ladies' Book Club?  This group meets on the 4th Monday of each month at Archie & Clyde's in Newburgh.  You're welcome to get something to eat, but it's not required.  All that's needed is a love for reading! Their next meeting will be Monday, March 28th at 6 PM.   If you have questions, see Michelle Miller.

ALCC Kid's will hold it's annual Easter Egg Hunt at ALCC on Saturday, April 9th.  Pick up some flyers at the hospitality desk and invite your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers... anyone you know with kids ages 0-12 years.

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