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Showing posts from September, 2022

September 29, 2022

October is just 2 days away, so here is all we have going on at ALCC: Notice the Men's Breakfast is this Saturday, October 1. Meet in the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 AM.   This Sunday one of our favorite sermon series begins! Break out the popcorn, it's movie time!  Come and learn how we can "Know God" from the touching true story of Mr. Rogers .  Invite your family and friends to join us in person for At the Movies  because we are not able to live-stream this sermon series. Note the things on the calendar coming up next week: The Remnant men's Bible study meets on Tuesday at 6:30 PM here at ALCC. First Wednesday  Fellowship Meal and Praise & Prayer service is Wednesday, October 5.   Our moms' group, Mama Co. , meets on Thursday, October 6 at 9:15 AM. Something not on the Calendar, is Pastor Appreciation!  October is Pastor Appreciation Month .  To show our pastoral staff how much we love them, we will be receiving an offering all month.  You can give by ca

September 22, 2022

Hope you are enjoy these much cooler temperatures!   Due to technical difficulties, we have been unable to Live-Stream our Sunday Services and it can't be fixed right away.  That being said, we hope you're able to join us in person this Sunday as Pastor Troy continues his messages on the book of Acts. Monday, September 26, the Ladies' Book Club has it's monthly gathering at Archie & Clyde's at 6 PM.  All female bibliophiles will feel right at home with this group! Wednesday, September 28, is the Young at Heart Luncheon .  Anyone over 50 is welcome to join for a time of music, a devotion and a meal.  This month will be a Salad Luncheon.  Bring your favorite salad - hot, cold, vegetable, meat, etc. - to share with others.  Drinks and desserts will be provided. Coming up in October is one of our favorite times of the year! This is a great time to invite friends and family to come and visit ALCC!  With four great movies to choose from we know you can find one that

September 15, 2022

Hope you're having a great Thursday!  Here's what's coming up at ALCC next week: Monday, September 19, Sister Co. is hosting  Bunco Night at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.  All ladies are invited to come have some fun!  It's ok if you don't know how to play; it's easy, just roll the dice! Tuesday, September 20, is our men's Bible study.  The Remnant meets at 6:30 PM and all men are welcome to come.  See Bill Partridge if you'd like more information. Thursday, September 22, is the Ladies' Prayer Group .  Any women can meet in the ALCC Prayer Room at 9:30 AM for a time of focused prayer.  See Kathy Tidd if you have any questions. Be sure to clear your Sundays in October as ALCC presents At the Movies .  You won't want to miss this yearly event, plus it's a great time to invite family and friends.  

September 8, 2022

Hope you're enjoying the first week of September!  Last Sunday's message was a good one! If you missed it, why not check out the Video Podcast ?  Also, here is the digital version of the Daily Prayer Covering Pastor Troy mentioned and prayed in his message: Here's what's coming up this weekend and next week... This Saturday, September 10, is 🎈 Pastor Tyler's Birthday !🎂  Be sure to wish him a great day! Also this Saturday, the Man2Man men's ministry is holding their monthly Men's Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 AM. Tuesday, September 13, the ladies of Abundant Life are hosting a Bridal Shower for Catey Schweizer in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 PM.  Come and bless her as she prepares to start married life with Camden Cundiff.  She's registered at Target and Amazon . Thursday, September 15, the Ladies' Prayer Group will meet in the ALCC Prayer Room at 9:30 AM. Also on Thursday, Mama Co. has their first meeting for the 22-23 school year. 

September 1, 2022

Today is the first of September, this weekend is Labor Day, I think we can officially say summer is over... (even though it doesn't feel like it outside 😕). Saturday, September 3, is Pastor Troy's Birthday !  Be sure to wish him a very happy day and blessed year to come! Sunday, Pastor Troy will continue in Acts 19 with " Power to Perform Miracles and Push Back the Darkness" .  Remember, if you'll be out of town for the holiday weekend, you can always join the service via live-stream on Facebook or YouTube , and we'll save the sermon notes for you, too! Monday, September 5, is Labor Day so the ALCC office will be closed. We hope you enjoy a restful day with family and friends! Tuesday, there will NOT be Mama Co.   They have just recently decided to change things up.  They will now meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 9:15 AM with the first meeting on Thursday, September 15 .  Men's Bible study will meet Tuesday evening, September 6.  The