October 6, 2022

Join us Sunday for 

"At The Movies" continues at ALCC.  Come and see how we can "Find Freedom" from this heartwarming true story about Walt Disney and the creator of Mary Poppins.  Feel free to being a drink to go with your popcorn and invite your friends and family to join us too.  Remember, we are unable to live-stream this messages, so you'll want to be here in person.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month!  Once again we are receiving an offering to divide among our pastoral staff.  Since it's all lumped together, even small amounts can add up to a big blessing!  You can give in person by marking your check/envelope "Pastor Appreciation".  You can also give online by selecting "Pastor Appreciation" from the fund drop down list.  If you'd like to give via text, simple send "$[amount] Pastors" to 812-205-2623. 

October is also when we prepare for Operation Christmas Child.  There are lots of ways for you to get involved! You can pack your own box and deliver it to the church by October 28 with $10 for shipping.  You can donate items to pack in boxes at our Packing Party.  You can come and help at the Packing Party on Friday, October 28, at 6:00 PM.  You can virtually fill a box online for $25. You can donate to help cover shipping costs.  Or... You can do all of the above!  If you'd like to help at the packing party, there is a sign up sheet at the Hospitality Desk.  You can find a list of packing ideas for shoe boxes at the desk too.

Coming up next week, we have the Ladies' Prayer Group on Thursday, October 13.  Any women available to come and pray can meet in the ALCC Prayer Room at 9:30 AM.

Men, be sure to sign up for the Men's Golf Outing, coming up on Saturday, October 15.  The guys will tee off at 11 AM at The Bridges Golf Course in Henderson, KY.  This is a fun day on the links for golfers at any skill level.  See Bill Partridge this Sunday if you'd like to play!

Announcement: Celebration Sunday on October 30, is now just ONE service at 10 AM and there will not be Sunday School this day.  Everyone will gather together for a time of worship, testimonies, communion, and water baptism.  If you'd like to be baptized, there is a sign up sheet at the Hospitality Desk.