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Showing posts from December, 2022

December 29, 2022

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to 2023!  Here is what we have coming up in January: Don't forget, this Sunday, January 1st , we will have ONE service at 10:45 AM , both in-person and live-streamed Next week The Remnant meets on Tuesday, January 3, at 6:30 PM. Also, starting January 8, all kids programs will be available during both service times, 9 and 10:45 AM.  

December 22, 2022

Join us Saturday morning for Christmas Eve Service at 10 AM .  The kids will also join us in the sanctuary for a special Candlelight Communion Service, but nursery will be available.  If you'll be out of town, join us online!  You can find our live streamed service on Facebook or YouTube .  Don't forget, there is no service on Sunday, December 25.  Year End Giving - to be sure your contributions (tithes, missions, Christmas offering, etc.) are credited in 2022, please do any of the following: Be sure to complete all online offerings, including text-to-give, no later than December 23 Give by cash or check in the offering on Saturday morning in the Christmas Eve Service Mail a check to the church at 7333 Sharon Road, Newburgh, postmarked before January 1 Just a reminder, the  church office will be closed December 26-30 . New Years Day , Sunday, January 1st, we will have one service at 10:45 AM, both in-person and online.  We hope you'll make plans to join us!

December 15, 2022

Pastor Troy concludes his sermon series this Sunday.  If you missed either of the first two, catch up with our video podcasts at . Numbered offering envelopes for 2023 are on the Hospitality Desk in the foyer.  Pick yours up Sunday morning.  If we didn't assign a box to you and you would like one, please contact Debbie or Kim in the church office. The Remnant meets at ALCC next Tuesday, December 20 at 6:30 PM.  Men can come escape the hustle and bustle of the season as they encourage one another and draw nearer to God. Next Saturday is Christmas Eve. This year for the Holiday weekend, we will hold a Candlelight Communion Service on Saturday morning at 10 AM .  Then on Sunday, Christmas Day, we will NOT have service so that you can spend the day with family and friends.

December 8, 2022

Pastor Troy continues this Sunday with  "Wrapped" .  If you missed last weeks message, catch up with our video podcast at . Then, join us Sunday evening: Invite friends and family to see our kids put on an amazing show that has the true meaning of Christmas - Jesus - at it's core! Next Tuesday, December 13, is the Sister Co. Christmas Soiree .  If you haven't yet bought a ticket we might be able to squeeze you in!  Contact the church today if you want to come.  The banquet will be held at 6:15 PM but has been moved to the Fellowship Hall . Wednesday, December 14 , is Pastor Troy and Carla's Wedding Anniversary !  Wish the happy couple many more years of happiness! Thursday, December 15, at 9:15 AM is Mama Co.   Come enjoy some "adult time" while volunteers watch your little ones.   Don't forget, on Christmas Eve , Saturday, December 24, we will have have a candlelight communion service at 10 AM .  Kids will join us in the Sanctuary but nu

December 1, 2022

It's the most wonderful time of the year!! Happy December!  This weekend is it - Bethlehem !  Be sure to invite family and friends, neighbors and coworkers, even people at the store, restaurants, etc.  Bethlehem Revisited is Saturday and Sunday evenings from 6:00 PM until 7:30 PM.   We will have food trucks available, a coffee bar, live animals, and fun for the whole family!  If you're helping with the costumes or food, be here at 4:30 PM, everyone else needs be here at 5:00 PM to grab dinner before getting dressed and in place by 5:45 PM.  If you have any questions or concerns, contact the church office today. Join us Sunday morning as Pastor Troy begins his 3 part Christmas sermon series: Tuesday night is the Men's Christmas Dinner .  If you purchased a ticket be here by 6:30 PM to enjoy a great meal and lots of fun. Ladies, be sure to buy your tickets to the Sister Co. Soiree on Tuesday, December 13 at 6:15 PM in the GZ Building .  You can purchase your ticket for $20 a