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Showing posts from January, 2024

January 25, 2024

We have nothing on the calendar for the rest of January, so here's a look at what's coming up in February: Make plans to join us for the ALCC Marriage Conference February 2-4.  If you know a couple that would be blessed by this conference, feel free to invite them even if they attend another church!  We want this to be a benefit to our community.

January 18, 2024

If you know someone new at ALCC encourage them to attend Life Track this Saturday, January 20, at 9 AM.  Not only will they learn about Abundant Life and our pastors, but they will also learn about themselves and where God has equipped them to serve. Help us save a stamp! Pick up your 2023 Contribution Statement this Sunday at the Hospitality Desk in the foyer. The Ladies' Book Club meets at 6 PM this coming Monday, January 22, at Archie & Clyde's in Newburgh.  Any women who like to read are welcome to attend! The Ladies' Prayer Group will meet on Thursday, January 25, at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room. The ALCC Marriage Conference is coming up in just a couple of weeks on February 2-4.  Make plans now to attend!  The conference runs Friday evening, Saturday morning, and concludes with our Sunday services.  If you have any other questions, contact the church office.

January 11, 2024

Join us this Saturday as we celebrate the life of Auna Roe . The service will be held in the sanctuary and everyone who knew and loved Auna are welcome to attend. This coming Tuesday, January 16, is the Men's Winter Banquet .  For those of you who purchased tickets, the evening starts at 6:30 PM .  If you purchased a ticket and can no longer attend, let Bill Partridge know, as someone may be able to attend in your place. Wednesday, January 17 , will be a Media Fast .  Take a break from TV, the news, surfing the internet, all social media and video games.  Instead, spend time with God, family and  friends, read a book, play a board game, unplug and unwind. Thursday, January 18, the Ladies' Prayer Group will meet at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room.  If you'd like more information about this group, see Kathy Tidd. If you know someone new at ALCC, encourage them to attend Life Track on Saturday January 20.  This class runs from 9 AM until 12 PM and will help newcomers underst

January 4, 2024

I hope your new year is off to a great start! Guys, this Sunday is the last day to purchase your tickets to the Men's Winter Banquet .  See Bill Partridge to get yours! Tuesday, January 9, is Pastor Mark's Birthday !  Be sure to send him a card, a text or post well wishes on social media. The Ladies' Prayer Group resumes next Thursday, January 11, at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room.  If you're available, why not start the year off gathering for prayer. A little over a year ago, Abundant Life lost a dear lady, Auna Roe.  In honor of Auna, we will be holding a Celebration of Life service next Saturday, January 13, in the sanctuary at 10 AM.  We hope all who knew and loved her will join us. Save the Date! Abundant Life will be holding a marriage conference the first weekend in February.  You won't want to miss it, so mark your calendars now!