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Showing posts from March, 2024

March 28, 2024

Have you Heard the Good News?  Easter Weekend is here! Tomorrow night, join us for a Special Good Friday Service at 6 PM with Pastor Troy's  illustrated sermon of Jesus' last days, death, burial and resurrection. Then on Saturday, bring the family to the ALCC Kids Easter Egg Hunt .  This free event is open to not only our church family but the community as well!  The fun starts at 10:30 AM with face painting, inflatables and photos with the Easter Bunny.  Egg hunts based on age begin at 11 AM. This Sunday is Easter . Invite family and friends to celebrate with us at 9 & 10:45 AM. Monday is April first - no fooling! So here is the calendar for the month: Note the events coming up next week The Remnant men's Bible study meets on Tuesday, April 2, at 6:30 PM 1st Wednesday : Fast all foods until the Fellowship Meal at 5:15 PM then join us for the Praise & Prayer Service at 6:30

March 21, 2024

Next week all the area schools are on Spring Break , so many may be headed out of town. But for those of us without kids in school or nowhere to go, we still have things going on at ALCC: Monday, March 25, the Ladies' Book Club meets at 6 PM and hopes to meet at Archie & Clyde's this month.  See Michelle Miller for more information. Wednesday, March 27, is the Young at Heart Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall at 11 AM. The Ladies' Prayer Group meets again next Thursday at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room. Easter is next weekend!  Be sure to pick up some invite cards &/or postcards to give out to people you want to invite to our Good Friday Service and our Easter Sunday Services.  Also be sure to invite everyone you know with kids to our annual egg hunt.

March 15, 2024

This Sunday is St. Patrick's Day .  It's good to know about the man for whom this day is named.  Patrick was born into a wealthy family in Roman Britain. As a teenager, he was captured in a raid and taken as a slave to Ireland.  Forced to tend his master's sheep, he spent his years of bondage mostly in solitude and in prayer.  After he escaped, he went into the ministry and in his mid-40s he returned to Ireland as a Missionary.  One of Patrick's first converts was his former master.  So let's be like Patrick and share the love of Jesus with others!🍀 Tuesday, March 19, is Mackenzie Kneeves' Birthday . Let's help her celebrate her special day with a card, a text, or a social media post wishing her a Happy Birthday! Also on Tuesday, The Remnant  men's Bible study group meets at ALCC at 6:30 PM. On Wednesday, March 20, is our monthly corporate Media Fast .  Avoid tv, video games, social media, etc. and spend that extra time digging into God's Word and i

March 7, 2024

Time to Spring Forward! Heads up! We lose an hour Saturday night.  Most of our smart devices already change for us, but don't forget to change any manual clocks before heading to bed early. The Young at Heart Bible Study meets next Wednesday at 10 AM.  Join Pastor Mark in the Fellowship Hall for light refreshments and dig into the Word of God. If you are not yet a member of Abundant Life, consider coming to the Membership Class   Wednesday, March 13, at 6 PM. The class is taught by Pastor Troy and will explain what it means to be a church member at ALCC.  If you'd like to attend, you can  sign up HERE . The Ladies' Prayer Group meets next Thursday, March 14, at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room.  Easter is coming up in a little over 3 weeks.  Be praying for those you can invite to any of our events and services that weekend.  Invitation cards will be available soon, but in the mean time, here is a digital flyer for you to use: