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October 3, 2024

It may be beginning to look a little like Christmas at ALCC but we are NOT decorating this early.  October is the month to prepare for Operation Christmas Child so our shoeboxes can reach children all around the world in December.  Last year our shoeboxes went to children in Georgia (the country formerly in the USSR, not the state).  We need your help to bless even more children this year.  Here are the ways you can get involved:

  1. Pick up a shoebox tag at the Hospitality Desk and fill a box (or boxes) yourself.  Return the box plus $10 for shipping to the Prayer Room by November 3.
  2. Pick up supplies to fill the church boxes.  There are Christmas trees in the sanctuary and back foyer with ornaments listing special "wow" items you can buy or go HERE for more gift suggestion and even a link to the OCC Amazon storefront.  All items need to be brought to the church no later than October 20 and placed in the collection box in the foyer.
  3. Come to the Packing Party in the Fellowship Hall on October 25 at 6:30 PM.  An assembly line will be set up for filling hundreds of boxes.  Young or old, all can come help us fill these boxes with love.
  4. Donate money to help with the shipping.  We need to provide $10 for each box.  You can give in the offering on Sundays by marking your check or envelope with Operation Christmas Child, give online and select Operation Christmas Child from the drop down fund list, or text the amount you'd like to give plus "OCC" to  812-205-2623.
  5. Go online and virtually fill a box.  Head to and click on the link to go the ALCC Goal page.  There it will walk you through the steps of filling a box.  This will cost you $25 and includes the shipping.

We will be celebrating Pastor Appreciation on Sunday, October 13.  That will be when the pastors take home there gifts and cards from the table at the back of the sanctuary, so be sure to get those items in.  If that's not your thing, but still would like to bless our pastors, you can give in the offering.  Simply mark your check or envelope with Pastor Appreciation or choose Pastor Appreciation from the fund drop down list online.

Next Wednesday, October 9, anyone available over 50 is welcome to attend the Young at Heart Bible Study at 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall.  Light refreshments are provided as you dig into God's word.

Thursday, October 10, the Ladies' Prayer Group will meet in the ALCC Prayer Room at 9:30 AM.  

Guys, save the date for the Men's Breakfast on Saturday, October 12.  Come out for a great meal at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.

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