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Showing posts from September, 2020

September 28 - October 4

Hello!  Hope you are enjoying last week of September! Yesterday, Pastor Troy continued his sermon series, Faith > fear , with a message on the faith of Abraham: Hebrews 11: 8 "By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."  If you missed this sermon, you can watch our recorded live-stream on our YouTube channel. Here are the events coming up this week: Don't forget!  Our 9 AM worship service resumes this Sunday, October 4th with nursery available. This Sunday we will also start Life Track .  If you are new to ALCC or ready to get involved then Life Track is for you!  Each session begins immediately following the 10:45 AM service with lunch and childcare included.  There are four sessions of Life Track, one each Sunday in October. Here are all the events coming up in October (that I know about at this time 😉): Please note, other events may pop up and these even

September 21- 27

I think Autumn is finally upon us!  We've had some beautiful cool days and Fall officially begins tomorrow on September 22nd.  Then the days will get shorter and the leaves will be changing... and Christmas will be here before you know it!  Although at church you can hear strains of yuletide song coming from Pastor Troy's office already! Speaking of Pastor Troy, he preached a great message again yesterday!  He continued with the series Faith > fear as we looked at the faith of Abel, Enoch and Noah.  If you missed it, you can watch the recording of our live-stream on our YouTube channel or you can find a link on our Facebook page @abundantlifenewburgh . Need a mid-week pick me up?  Listen to Pastor Mark's weekly podcast,  Just a Thought .  Each Monday you'll find a  short "thought" from Pastor Mark to get you thinking and encourage you in your walk with God. Here is this week's event: If you plan to attend Young at Heart this Wednesday, make sure you&#

September 14-20

I'm posting a little late this week!  I don't know if I'm off schedule because of last Monday's holiday or my birthday yesterday.  Either way, sorry I'm late!  Hope you're having a great week! If you missed Pastor Troy's message on Sunday, you'll want to get your communion elements ready and tune in to our YouTube channel to watch it!  It's another great message on Faith > fear , based on Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Also, many of our Life Groups met for the first time this past Sunday.  Again, sorry I didn't have the information to share ahead of time, but if you missed out on a group it's not too late!  Just fill out this survey and we'll get you set up for the next meeting.  There are also lists of groups with their schedule, location, and leaders at the Hospitality Desk in the foyer. Here are the events coming up this week: Parents - Don't forget

September 8-13

Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!  Don't forget, if you were out of town, you can watch the live-stream recording of Sunday's service on our YouTube channel.  Here's what's coming up this week: Also coming on Sunday nights will be activities for our ALCC Kids and Life Groups.  As soon as I have all the details and schedules for these events I'll be sure to post them on our blog! Enjoy your short work week and see you Sunday! Resources: <a href="">Designed by Freepik</a>