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Showing posts from February, 2021

February 25, 2021

Have you thawed out yet?  Finally feels like Spring is on its way!  I hope you've been able to enjoy the sunshine and warmer temperatures. If you missed this past Sunday, you missed a great message from Mackenzie Kneeves!  She shared from her heart in her upbeat way that shows how fired up she is for God.  She continued our Happy Homes series as she shared that Happy Homes aren't perfect.  Happy Homes are ones into which the Holy Spirit has been ushered.  Her message is a great one to share with others and you can find it on our YouTube channel. Join us this Sunday for a great message from Pastor Troy.  Also, we will be holding our 2021 Annual Business Meeting between services this Sunday.  We will be holding the meeting in the sanctuary but the sign in for members will be in the church lobby.  If you come to first service, you can sign in before service.  If you come to second service, please arrive before 10:15 AM to sign in before the meeting begins. February is coming to

February 18, 2021

Hope you are staying safe and warm during this cold and snowy week!  Thankfully it looks as if we will be thawing out this weekend, so we are planning on services in person on Sunday as we continue our Happy Homes sermon series. This past Sunday, Pastor Troy shared that - Happy is the Home that applies God's guiding light of the Word to our lives, as he drew from Psalm 119:105 -  "Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path."   If you missed this message, you can find a recording of our live-stream on our YouTube channel. Coming up next week, we only have a few events on the calendar: First of all, if you signed up for the Membership Class , it will be held Tuesday, February 23 in Room 107 at 6:30 PM. Then on Thursday, Carla Boulware will celebrate a birthday!!   Be sure to wish her a very happy day and year to come! Finally, all ALCC Members are asked to attend the Annual Business Meeting on Sunday, February 28.  The quick meeting will be held in the Fellows

February 12, 2021

Well, I hope you have been keeping warm and safe this week!  Looks like winter has really caught up with us now.  I don't know about you, but I'm ready for Spring!  This post is coming a little later than normal due to the office being closed after the ice storm this week and who knows what the weather has in store for us this coming week!  But if we've learned nothing else during the Covid pandemic we now know how to be flexible! This past Sunday, due to the slick conditions at the church, our service was online only.  It was a great message in the series Happy Homes .  If you haven't watched it yet, you can watch it HERE on our YouTube channel.   Pastor Troy will continue the Happy Homes sermon series this Sunday, February 14 - Valentine's Day!  What a great day to show love to God, to our families, and to our friends!  Ladies, don't forget your Secret Sisters!   Next week, we have Mama Co. and the Remnant Men's Bible study on Tuesday.  They are forecast

February 4, 2021

Hope you're having a great week!  Looks like winter is still with us for a while so I hope you're keeping warm! Thank you to everyone that participated in the 24 Hour Bible Reading!  It was an awesome experience for each and every person who read with some really amazing moves of God as to what person read which scripture.  Next time we do it you won't want to miss it! This past Sunday, Pastor Troy shared that "Happy Homes don't just happen!"   A big part of that is utilizing the power of God's Word because -  "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." -   2 Timothy 3:16-17  If you missed his message, check it out on our YouTube channel!  This Sunday, PT will continue his sermon series, Happy Homes .  You won't want to miss it! Last night we had a wonderful time in God's presence at First Wednesday.  This