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Showing posts from March, 2022

March 31, 2022

This Saturday, April 2, the monthly Men's Breakfast will be hosted by Edward Caswell at his business, Full Throttle Automotive .  Come on out to 9515 Seib Road in Evansville at 8:30 AM for a morning of cars, food, fellowship and faith with an amazing group of men!  The meal is catered, so if you plan to attend please contact Edward or Bill Partridge. Sunday, April 3, come hear from Guest Speaker, Gary Hanson .  Gary will be with us in both services as he shares about his ministry, Convoy of Hope , as we kick off our  One Day to Feed the World campaign.  Sunday evening is another ALCC Young Adults worship night.  Starting at 5:30 PM, anyone 18-30ish can come out for a special service in the GZ building.  Come hang with others your age and bring your friends! Next Tuesday, April 5, Mama Co. meets at 9:15 AM.  Invite any moms you know to come to ALCC for some adult conversation and a Bible study.  Childcare and brunch is provided. Also on Tuesday, The Remnant men's Bible stu

March 24, 2022

This Saturday, join us at ALCC for: Attention ALCC MEMBERS - this Sunday, March 27, we will hold our Annual Business Meeting at 2:30 PM .  Please make every effort to attend. The Ladies' Book Club meets at Archie & Clyde's in Newburgh on Monday, March 28, at 6 PM.  Anyone who loves a good book is welcome to attend. Wednesday, March 30, is our monthly Young at Heart Luncheon .  Anyone over 50 is welcome to attend this gathering at 11 AM for a time of music, devotions, and fun.  Invite your friends! April is just a week away and we have lots going on!

March 17, 2022

It's good to know about the man for whom this day is named.  Patrick was born into a wealthy family in Roman Britain. As a teenager, he was captured in a raid and taken as a slave to Ireland.  Forced to tend his master's sheep, he spent his years of bondage mostly in solitude and in prayer.  After he escaped, he went into the ministry and in his mid-40s he returned to Ireland as a Missionary.  One of Patrick's first converts was his former master.  So instead of leprechauns, parades, and rivers dyed green, let's think of the man who shared the love of Jesus with an entire country. Saturday, March 19th, is Mackenzie's Birthday!  Why not wish her a blessed day via text or on social media and let her know you're thinking of her! Sister Co. is having it's annual Egg My Yard fundraiser:  Purchase your eggs via cash, check (made out to ALCC WMs), or Venmo.  Order forms are available at the Hospitality Desk.  Eggs will be placed in yards after sunset on April 15th

March 10, 2022

Don't forget to turn your clocks forward Saturday night so you won't be late Sunday morning.  You won't want to miss Pastor Troy's message as he returns to ACTS - Power for the Last Days .  Remember, if you are sick or out of town you can join us via live-stream on Facebook or our YouTube channel. Starting tomorrow afternoon, a group of our middle and high schoolers will spend the weekend away from the normal routine and draw closer to each other and to God.  Please be in prayer for the students and staff that they have an amazing, life changing weekend. Next week: Mama Co. meets at 9:15 AM on Tuesday, March 15 The Remnant meets at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, March 15 The Ladies' Prayer Group meets at 9:30 AM on Thursday, March 17 Also note, Mackenzie Kneeves has a birthday coming up on Saturday, March 19.  so plan on sending a card, text, or message on social media wishing her a very Happy Birthday! One last thing, for all you women who like to read, the Ladies' B

March 3, 2022

This past Sunday we enjoyed guest missionary, Kevin Kappler .  If you missed it, check out the  video podcast .  You can also learn more about Kevin and his missionary work as a law enforcement chaplain on his website:  thebluelinechaplain . Tomorrow, March 4, is Pastor Johnathan's Birthday !  Be sure to wish him a very blessed day and year to come!  Saturday, March 5, is the Man2Man monthly breakfast at 8:30 AM.  We hope you can come and invite a friend! If you've been attending Abundant Life for a while now but have not yet become a member, why not do it now?  Join Pastor Troy as he shares what it means to be a church member and what you need to do to become one. Next Friday-Sunday, March 11-13, a group of our middle and high school students will be getting away from their normal routines and growing their relationship with Jesus at the Rendezvous weekend event.  Please be praying for our students and staff to have an amazing experience in the presence of the Holy Spirit wi