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Showing posts from April, 2022

April 28, 2022

Sunday is May 1st so here is the calendar for May: We have a lot coming up this month so mark your calendars now! Sunday, Pastor Troy continues with his sermon series, Wars and Rumors of War .  If you missed the first part last Sunday, you can watch the video podcast HERE . Sunday is also the LAST day to purchase tickets for the Tea Party .  If you haven't gotten your ticket, or you've signed up but haven't yet paid, please do so Sunday - OR  Venmo any time before Monday!  The Tea Party is Saturday, May 7, at 10:30 AM in the GZ Building. Next week we have Mama Co. moms' group at 9:15 AM Tuesday morning and the Remnant men's group at 6:30 PM Tuesday evening. Also next week, First Wednesday is May 4.  Come out for a great BBQ meal at 5:30 PM and then meet in the sanctuary at 6:30 PM for our praise and prayer service. Mother's Day is just a little over a week away!  We hope you'll celebrate all the moms in our lives May 8.  Once again, we will have Baby Ded

April 21, 2022

This Sunday, Pastor Troy begins the sermon series, Wars & Rumors of Wars .  You won't want to miss this timely message! In just a couple weeks, Sister Co. is having a Tea Party !  All ladies - even little ladies - are invited to come learn tea etiquette, enjoy some frou-frou snacks, make some frilly crafts and celebrate all things girly!  Purchase your tickets at the Hospitality Desk on Sunday, or purchase one anytime through Venmo @Sister-co .  The last day to purchase tickets is Sunday, May 1. Monday, April 25, The Ladies' Book Club meets at Archie & Clyde's at 6 PM.  All women are welcome to come - enjoy a meal (or not), discuss this month's book, and help pick one to read in the future.  For more information, contact Michelle Miller. Wednesday, April 27, is our Young at Heart Luncheon .  Everyone over 50 is welcome to attend a time geared just for your age group.  As always, there will be singing, food and fellowship!  Join us in the Fellowship Hall at 11

April 14, 2022

  Hope you can join us for both our Good Friday service and one of our Easter morning services too.  Friday's service will be a special time as we remember Christ's words at the Last Supper with communion, as well as His sacrifice on the Cross for us.  Then on Sunday, we will rejoice in His resurrection!  Children's services will be available at both service times.  Invite your friends and family to come and celebrate with us! (Don't forget, we will NOT have Sunday School this weekend.) Also on Easter Morning, we will be receiving our One Day to Feed the World offering. One Day to Feed the World is Convoy of Hope 's campaign that transforms lives.  when everyone commits to giving one day's salary, we harness the power of equal sacrifice instead of focusing on equal giving.  When you give through Convoy of Hope, poverty and hunger are replaced by hope and love.  Your one day transforms their everyday! Next Tuesday, April 19, Mama Co. will meet at 9:15 AM for

April 7, 2021

Bring your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, neighbors, etc. to the Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday, April 9, from 10:30 AM until 12 PM.  This event is open to the public for families with kids ages 0-12 years old.  We will have age specific areas for our egg hunt that begins at 11:30 AM.  Come early to enjoy the inflatables, face painting, and the Easter Bunny!  We will hold the Egg Hunt regardless of the weather.  If the weather is too rainy or the ground to muddy, we will move it indoors. You can still purchase eggs for our Sister Co. Fundraiser, Egg My Yard .  Purchase your eggs at the hospitality desk, contact one of our Sister Co. board members, or contact Kim in the church office. Wednesday is Pastor Wes' Birthday!  Make plans now to send him a card, a text, or post a 'Happy Birthday' on social media.  But if you go to Rivertown on his birthday without him, he might look at you like this... Next Thursday, April 14, the Ladies' Prayer Group will meet for an hour o