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Showing posts from May, 2022

May 26, 2022

As we celebrate the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend , many of you may be out of town. But for those who are staying home we still have things going on at ALCC: There will be a VBS Décor work day , Saturday, May 28, from 10 AM until 2 PM.  They will be cutting, stuffing rocks, and doing some easy painting.  Come for the day or just come for an hour. If you're available any amount of time, we'd be grateful for your help!   Don't forget, this Sunday, May 29 , we will have one service only at 10 AM and no Sunday School.  Then on, Monday, May 30, the church office will be closed.  Enjoy your holiday weekend as we celebrate those who died to protect our freedom.🎖 Next Wednesday, June 1, we have our monthly First Wednesday Fellowship Meal at 5:30 PM followed by our Praise and Prayer Service at 6:30 PM.  Bring your family out for a meal and stay for the service. We know the summer months are busy and everyone is traveling, but don't miss an opportunity to worship with us at

May 19, 2022

Hope you've had a great week so far!   Here's all that's coming up at ALCC: This coming Monday, May 23, we have the Ladies' Book Club meeting at 6 PM at Archie & Clyde's.  This group is open to any women who like to read. Coming up next week, Pastor Wes & Christina are celebrating their wedding anniversary on Tuesday, May 24 and Pastor Tyler & Mackenzie will celebrate theirs on Wednesday, May 25. Happy Anniversary to both happy couples!! Also on Wednesday, May 25, Young at Heart will hold their monthly Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall at 11 AM.  Anyone over 50 that is available can come and enjoy some music, a devotional, a great meal and even better friendships.   Next Thursday, the Ladies' Prayer Group meets again in the ALCC Prayer Room at 9:30 AM.  This group is open to all women and meets on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Thursdays each month.  For more information see Kathy Tidd. It's Summer! And we don't want you to miss a thing!!  You sho

May 12, 2022

Hope you are staying cool in this heat! We have just a few things coming up this week: Sunday night May 15, is our Young Adult Worship Night .  Anyone 18-30 (ish) is invited to come.  YA Worship is held in the GZ building at 5:30 PM. Tuesday, May 17, The Remnant men's Bible study meets at ALCC at 6:30 PM. Thursday, May 19, the Ladies' Prayer Group meets again at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room. Schools are coming to a close and summer is almost here!  You don't want your kids to miss out on all the great things coming up in June so get them registered now! Kids Camp at Lincoln State Park is June 13-16.  This is for kids ages 7-12 years.  The cost is $105 per child.  You can register and pay HERE . Monumental VBS is coming the end of June! VBS at ALCC is a fun week of adventure your kids won't want to miss!  Our program is open free of charge to all kids entering Pre-K (3 years old and potty trained) up through those entering 6th Grade this fall.  Use this LINK to re

May 5, 2022

Hope you're having a great week!   Last night we had a great time at our 1st Wednesday Fellowship meal and Praise & Prayer service.  As always the food was delicious and God's Presence was powerful!  If you missed it, be sure to mark your calendars for our next First Wednesday on June 1. This Saturday, May 7th, the men are having their monthly Men's Breakfast at 8:30 AM.  Afterwards, anyone that can, please stay and help clean up our landscaping. Also Saturday morning is our Sister Co. Tea Party .  If you purchased a ticket , join us at 10:30 AM in the GZ Building for a fun, girly time. Sunday is Mother's Day Join us as we honor all "moms" - past, present, future, Spiritual, etc.  All women can enjoy a treat at the ALCC Coffee Bar and will also receive a special gift.  Invite your kids and all the important women in your life to celebrate with us! Participation registration for VBS begins Sunday!  Visit the table in the Sanctuary to pick up a registration