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Showing posts from June, 2022

June 30, 2022

Tomorrow is July 1 so if you didn't see this on Sunday, here is the calendar for the month: Please note there are several changes to our usual schedule for the holiday weekend.   First, the Men's Breakfast has been moved to the 2nd Saturday of the month, July 9 .   Also, on Sunday July 3, we will have ONE service only at 10:45 AM and no Sunday school.   Finally, Monday, July 4th, the church office will be closed .

June 23, 2022

It's Time! VBS starts Monday, June 27 at 6 PM ! "Get ready for a howlin' good time!" There's still time to register your kids, grandkids, neighbors, etc.  Paper registrations are still available in the sanctuary this Sunday.  Plus,   ONLINE registration is open until Sunday at 6 PM.  Then we will take walk-in registrations each night of VBS.   Saturday is VBS Decoration Day!   It's all hands on deck from 10 AM until it's done!  There's lots to do for all ages so come help us turn ALCC into a mesa filled southwestern desert! Be in prayer that VBS 2022 is Monumental !  Pray that we have great weather, that the volunteers have supernatural energy, for the health & safety of everyone, and of course that the kids experience God in new and powerful ways! Due to VBS there won't be much else going on around ALCC, however, the Ladies' Book Club will be meeting at Archie & Clyde's on Monday, June 27 at 6 PM.

June 16, 2022

Join us Father's Day , this Sunday, June 19, with your dads, sons, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, etc. for: Come for church at 9 or 10:45 AM and then stay for these food trucks: Chino Taco , Rock-a-Burger , Crazy Daisy's , and The Sugar Shack . The Young at Heart Luncheon for June will be Wednesday, June 22, at 11 AM .  We're holding this early due to VBS the following week.  Invite your friends over 50 come and enjoy the fellowship! The Ladies' Prayer Group meets again next Thursday at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room.  All are welcome to join in this time of focused prayer. VBS Decoration Day is coming up Saturday, June 26 .  Starting at 10 AM we'll be transforming Abundant Life into a southwestern desert-scape.  We can use all the help we can get!  Bring the family too, because we'll have jobs for all ages and sizes!  Also, Belinda will be needing helpers tomorrow, Friday, June 17, painting "rocks"  in the GZ building and possibly again on Satur

June 9, 2022

Continue to pray for our teens as they finish a week at camp.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in their last service tonight and for safe travels home tomorrow. If you haven't already, get your kids and grandkids registered for VBS!  It's going to be a "howlin' good time"! VBS is only 18 days away!  We still have lots to do to get ready so we could use some help.  Saturday, meet in the GZ Building for a Décor work day from 10 AM until 2 PM .  Then on Sunday, there is a Volunteer meeting in the Fellowship Hall at 4:30 PM .  This meeting is for anyone (signed-up or not) that would like to help during VBS.  At the meeting you will learn the VBS theme and anthem.  We will also go over assigned roles, learn about volunteer meals, hand our banduras for you to wear at VBS, and more!  If you cannot make it, please let Mallory Jordan know ahead of time. We are also holding a cactus contest ! This contest is for families, kids, adults, etc.  Be creative and make a cactus:

June 2, 2022

It's a new month!  You already have our summer schedule, but here are the events scheduled for June: Saturday morning, June 4, is the monthly Men's Breakfast at 8:30 AM.  As always, there will be plenty of food and lots of good friends.  Following the breakfast on Saturday, the Facilities Team will be doing Yard Work on both properties from 10 AM to 12 PM and they'd love to have your help! Also, if you have equipment to use (weed eaters, hedge trimmers, blowers, etc.) please bring them along too. Monumental is almost here so we could use some help to get things ready.    VBS Décor Work Days will be this  Saturday, June 4 from 10 AM to 2 PM  in the GZ Building.  Then again on Wednesday, June 8, from 10 AM to 1 PM  in the Fellowship Hall.   Tuesday, June 7, The Remnant men's Bible study group meets in the ALCC Fellowship Hall at 6:30 PM.  All men are welcome, so invite your friends! The next meeting of the Ladies Prayer Group is Thursday, June 9, at 9:30 AM in the A