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Showing posts from August, 2022

August 25, 2022

Happy Thursday!  Here's your weekly update on what's going on at ALCC: Ladies, get ready for some early fall fun!  The Sister Co. Bon Fire is Tuesday night at 6:30 PM - weather permitting .  Meet at the firepit at the home of Darlene Brackett, 5488 Lakeside Drive, Newburgh.  We will send out emails and texts if the event has to be postponed due to rain. Also on Tuesday night, The Remnant is hosting a Men's Prayer Meeting at 6:30 PM (rain or shine 😉).  Come join in prayer with the men of ALCC. Then on Wednesday at 11 AM is the Young at Heart service and luncheon.  This is a great time of worship, fellowship and food for all seniors. September 1 is one week away so here is the September Calendar: As we move into the "ber" months we'll have lots going on - probably even more than what's on these calendars!  So keep reading the blog, listen to the announcements, and watch for emails and texts!

August 18, 2022

Here are some events coming up at ALCC! Happy Anniversary  to Pastor Mark & Lisa Short, tomorrow, August 19.  Why not send them a message and wish them a happy day! Join us Sunday as Pastor Troy continues in the book of Acts. (He really is this week, I have the notes!)  See how we can have Power for Teamwork as we go through Acts 18. As always, our Men's Prayer Group meets at 7:00 AM Monday morning.  The 4th Monday, and Book Club , is coming up next week on August 22 .  Any lady that enjoys reading is welcome to attend!  They meet at Archie & Clyde's so you can grab some dinner with the ladies, but no purchase is required. Thursday, August 25 , the Ladies' Prayer Group meets again in the ALCC Prayer Room at 9:30 AM.   See Kathy Tidd for more information. Mark your calendars, Tuesday, August 30 at 6:30 PM The Remnant will hold a Men's Prayer Meeting .  All men are welcome to attend.  See Bill Partridge for more information. Also, save the date - but watch th

August 11, 2022

Happy Thursday!  Hope you're having a great week! Join us Sunday as Pastor Troy continues his way through the book of Acts.  We've been going through Acts off and on since last summer.  If you need to catch up on any sermons, you can find them on our website and if you're missing any sermon notes, contact Kim Forston to get a copy.  Also, if you haven't gotten an ALCC sermon notes binder, pick one up at the back of the sanctuary on the "ushers table". Don't forget you can join in studying God's Word with others during Sunday School .  Kids, youth, and one adult class meets before 2nd Service at 9:45 AM while 2 adult classes meet after 1st Service at 10:30 AM. We have a few events coming up next week: As always, our Men's Prayer Group meets on Monday morning at 7:30 AM.  Start your week off in prayer for the church, our community and each other. On Tuesday, August 16, The Remnant men's Bible study meets at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.  Com

August 4, 2022

August is here and schools are starting.  Last night at 1st Wednesday, we had prayer for our students and our schools.  To help you continue to pray along those lines, be sure to get the "Prayer Helps" handout for August. You can pick one up on Sunday for your binder, or here is a digital one: Friday night - WEATHER PERMITTING - is the Mother/Son Whiffle Ball Game .  Come on out to watch the game and buy something sweet from the Kool Shack ice cream truck.  Games start at 6:30 PM.  We'll be sure to let you know if we have to reschedule due to rain. Rain or shine the Men's Breakfast will be Saturday at 8:30 AM.  Come hear a great word from Gary Hanson, and, as always, enjoy some great food. Next Thursday, August 11, the  Ladies' Prayer Group meets at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room.  All women are welcome to attend!