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Showing posts from November, 2022

November 23, 2022

The church office is closed tomorrow for Thanksgiving .  We hope you have a blessed Holiday with family and friends.   Sunday, don't forget to purchase your tickets to the Men's and Women's Christmas Banquets .  Tickets to the Sister Co. Soiree are $20 and can be purchased at the Hospitality Desk.  Men's Christmas Dinner tickets are $25 and can be purchased from Bill Partridge. Next Monday, the  Ladies' Book Club meets at 6 PM at Achie & Clyde's in Newburgh.  All women who enjoy a good book are welcome to attend. December is next week so here is all we have coming up: Note the events we have coming up next week: Mama Co. meets on Thursday at 9:15 AM.   Bethlehem Revisited begins next Saturday.  If you're signed up to help, come early to enjoy a meal before dressing in costume and beginning your shift.  If you'd like to help with the volunteer meals, see Crystal Willis. Again, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope to see you Sunday!

November 17, 2022

Hope you're having a great week!  We have just a few things we need to let you know about for this Sunday... Women's Christmas Soiree tickets go on sale this Sunday. Ladies, you won't want to miss this event!  This is the highlight of our year, when ladies of all ages gather together for good food, Christmas fun, and an inspiring devotion.  Purchase your ticket at the Hospitality Desk or from a member of the Sister Co. board.  We accept cash, check, Venmo (@Sister-co) or credit card.  If you forget your $$, just sign up at the Hospitality Desk to save your spot. Guys, you won't want to miss your big night either! In years past, this event was off site, but to save on driving and create a better environment to visit with others, the men now meet at Abundant Life.  Purchase your ticket to the Men's Christmas Dinner from Bill Partridge. Bethlehem Revisited is right around the corner Be sure to pick up a yard sign or two and some invitation cards so all your friends,

November 10, 2022

Happy Thursday!  Hope you're having a great week and are ready for a busy weekend at ALCC. Tomorrow, November 11, is Veterans Day .  Abundant Life would like to thank all who have served! Coming up this Saturday is ALCC Youth's first annual Turkey Bowl .  We have four flag football teams that will be competing for the championship starting at noon.  Bundle up the family and come cheer them on! There will be chicken & dumplings to keep you warm, activities for elementary age students, and childcare for the little ones. Then starting in the morning services Sunday , we kick off our Holy Spirit Conference with Tim Enloe .  The conference services continue Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM .  The Enloes bring a practical approach to the Holy Spirit, His power and gifting's.  The conference events help believers go from understanding to experiencing and on to ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Each service builds upon the previous, so you'll want

November 3, 2022

Last night we had a great time at our First Wednesday fellowship and service.  Be sure to thank Belinda Britton as well as David & Karla Heal for all their hard work making sure the fellowship meals are a tasty, organized success!  This was the last First Wednesday of 2022.  We'll start them up again in the new year. This  Saturday, November 5, at 8:30 AM , all the guys are invited for a great meal at the Men's Breakfast .  While you're there, go ahead and purchase your tickets to the Men's Christmas Dinner which will be on Tuesday, December 6, catered by the Schnitzelbank.   It's time to set up Bethlehem !  If you can help on Saturday, we'll finish up the booths, wrap the booths in burlap, set up lighting, organize costumes and organize props.  The work starts at 9:30 AM, or if you're here for the Men's Breakfast just stick around afterwards.  If you need more information, see Lance or Terri Leithliter.  Don't forget, Daylight Savings Time Ends