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Showing posts from March, 2023

March 30, 2023

This Saturday, April 1st - no fooling!- is the monthly Men's Breakfast.  If you're planning to attend, sign up HERE with this online registration. Next week we have a lot coming up! Tuesday, April 4, The Remnant men's Bible study meets at 6:30 PM. Wednesday April 5, we will have a Prayer Night at 6:30 PM.  This will NOT be a full blown First Wednesday (no meal), but a time to gather and pray for the upcoming Easter weekend. Thursday, April 6, the Mama Co mom's group meets at 9:15 AM in Room 107. Easter Weekend is just a little over one week away!  There is still time to invite friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, etc. to one or more of our Easter events.  Pick up some flyers, postcards, and invite cards at the hospitality desk this Sunday. Our Easter weekend begins with a special Good Friday service on April 7 at 6 PM. Then on Saturday: This will be fun for the whole family so be sure to invite all the people you know with kids.  Also, be praying for good (dry)

March 23, 2023

Spring officially began on Monday and today finally feels like it!  Hope you can enjoy the warmer temps today! Easter is right around the corner and we have a big weekend planned starting with Good Friday: Following this, we have the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday morning, April 8, starting at 10 AM and then Easter Services on Sunday, April 9, at our usual 9 and 10:45 AM.  Lots of opportunities to invite family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc.  Be praying about who you can invite. Many of our Church Family will be on Spring Break next week.  We pray you all have a great week and safe travels! Next week we have the Ladies' Book Club at Archie & Clyde's on Monday, March 27, at 6 PM. Next Saturday we start a new month with lots going on so here is the calendar: Enjoy the rest of your week and see you Sunday!

March 16, 2023

Happy St. Patrick's Day 🍀 tomorrow.  I hope this makes you think of the great missionary to Ireland rather than leprechauns! This Sunday, March 19, is Mackenzie Kneeves' Birthday .  Be sure to wish her a happy birthday when you see her at church! We have a few things coming up next week: Tuesday, March 21, T he Remnant Men's Bible Study meets at 6:30 PM. Wednesday, March 22, is the Young at Heart Luncheon at 11 AM.  Anyone 50 and over is welcome to attend so invite your friends and family. Thursday, March 23,  the Ladies' Prayer Group meets at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room. Easter will be here before we know it!  Be planning now who you can invite to one of our events!

March 9, 2023

This weekend is the ALCC Youth retreat: Be in prayer for our students and staff as they take time to draw closer to God.  This Sunday, they will conclude their retreat in our AM services.  Don't forget! Of course all of your smart devices will adjust on their own, but manual clocks will need to be turned ahead one hour.  Also, you may want to head to bed early Saturday night so you're not too tired for church in the morning! Next week we have just a couple things coming up.  On Thursday morning we have  the Mama Co. moms group at 9:15 AM and the Ladies' Prayer Group at 9:30 AM .  Both of these groups are open to all ladies so invite your friends!  

March 2, 2023

Hope you got to enjoy the beautiful weather yesterday!  If you didn't make it out to First Wednesday last night you missed a great meal and an even better time worshipping and praying together as a church family.  The next First Wednesday won't be until May -we're taking April off due our Easter week activities - so mark your calendars for May 3rd and join us! This Saturday is Pastor Johnathan's Birthday !  Be sure to wish him a Happy Birthday, in person, online or by text. Also this Saturday is the monthly Man2Man Men's Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 AM .  This is a great event for men, teens, and boys to enjoy a meal and hear an encouraging word.   Sunday, join us as we welcome Guest Speaker, Zach Maddox .   Through their work, the Maddox family encourages others to live according to the teachings of Jesus and promote positive change in their communities and nations.  Zach, Shellie, and their three children, long to see people live extraordinary lives b