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Showing posts from June, 2023

June 29, 2023

Whether your holiday weekend starts early or runs long, we hope you have a blessed 4th of July weekend!  We WILL have services this Sunday at our usual times of 9 & 10:45 AM , so we hope to see you here.  You can also join us online via livestream on our Facebook page or YouTube  channel. Our kids are home from camp today and our youth will be coming home tomorrow.  Keep them in your prayers for recuperation, safe travel home and also for them to continue to live out all that they learned and experienced at camp this week. Saturday is July first so here is the calendar of events: Note all the things coming up right after the holiday: Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, July 5 - all members are asked to attend Ladies' Book Club on Saturday, July 8 (in August they will return to their normal schedule and location) Pre-K Splash Day on Saturday, July 8 - on the ALCC grounds So much is going on in July so save the dates now!  Remember, you can also check our Master Calendar for

June 22, 2023

Today at 4 PM Meet in the church parking lot and let the kids bike, roller skate/blade, skate board, scooter, or ride whatever they have with wheels (within reason).  Refreshments will be provided. Saturday, June 22 , the Ladies' Book Club will meet at the home of Michelle Miller.  Contact her for more information. On Monday, June 26 , our kids and youth head off to Kids Camp & Youth Camp .  Please keep them in prayer.  Here are some directed prayers for them: If you have any questions about Kids Camp, see Pastor Johnathan or Mimi.  If you have any questions about Youth Camp, see Pastor Angel.

June 15, 2023

VBS only has two more nights!  We've had record numbers of kids the past three nights.  Continue to pray for our volunteers to have the energy needed to "Shine Jesus' Light" into lives of everyone that attends the rest of the week. Sunday, we will continue the VBS fun as all the participants are invited back for either service to sing some of the songs they've learned this week.  All kids will meet in the main sanctuary at the beginning of the service.  After performing, the kids will be escorted to kids church or pre-k by our volunteers. Also on Sunday is Father's Day Once again we will celebrate dads with food trucks.  Stay after either service and enjoy a meal here at ALCC.  Bring some lawn chairs and enjoy the fellowship.   Next week we have just a few things going on. Tuesday, June 20, The Remnant men's bible study group meets at 6:30 PM here at Abundant Life. Thursday, June 22, the Ladies' Prayer Group meets in the ALCC Prayer Room at 9:30 AM

June 8, 2023

VBS starts Monday!!   To get everything ready, VBS Decoration Day is this Saturday, June 10, from 9 AM until 4 PM .  Lunch will be provided. We provide VBS free of charge to any kids in our community.  We have a great turnout, but its a big expense to make it a huge success.  If you'd like to help offset some of those costs, you can put in an offering in on Sunday marked VBS,  give online HERE and chose VBS from the drop down fund menu, or text an amount with "VBS" to 812-205-2623. If you haven't already, register your kids or grandkids HERE .  Online registration closes Sunday evening but walk in registration will be available each night. Stellar VBS t-shirts, music and more is available to purchase.  All items are on a first come first serve basis, so get yours Sunday.  You can pay by cash, check, Venmo (@Sister-co), or by card at the Hospitality Desk. Next Thursday, June 15 , the Ladies' Prayer Group meets in the ALCC Prayer Room at 9:30 AM.  All are welcome

June 1, 2023

June is here! As you can see, we have a lot going on this month!  Mark your calendars now, or just save this link to the ALCC Master Calendar . Stellar VBS is just a couple weeks away and we still need volunteers.  This Saturday, June 3, is another VBS Workday from 11 AM until 3 PM , to get all of our outer space décor ready for the big decoration day (Saturday, June 10 from 9 AM until 4 PM).   Also, on Sunday, June 4, there is a VBS Volunteer Meeting in the Fellowship Hall at 4:30 PM .  Everyone that is planning to help during the week of VBS is strongly urged to attend.  If for some reason you can't make it, see Mallory Jordan for further instructions.   Don't forget to register your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, neighbors, etc. for VBS.  You can register them HERE or share this link with friends and family to get everyone signed up! Also this Saturday, June 3, is the monthly Men's Breakfast , a great time of food, testimonies and fellowship.  The meal is held in