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Showing posts from April, 2024

April 25, 2024

Ladies, you don't want to miss the Sister Co. social event, Flourish , Friday night at 6:30 PM in the groundzero student center.  There will be a grazing table and you can make your own floral bouquet for $5. Also, we'll hear from Carla Boulware in the service. If you purchased tickets for Men's Ministry BBQ , don't forget to come pick it up on Saturday from 12-3 PM in the ALCC parking lot.  They still have ribs available for purchase so stop by and pick some up - cash or check only. VBS is June 3-7, so it's right around the corner!  Last year we had 176 children attend at least one night of VBS, and we expect even more this year.  We will need lots of volunteers to set up, check-in, watch over, assist and minister to all these kiddos. If you'd like to help in any way, you can register online or you can pick up a form in the sanctuary this Sunday.  Also, participant registration opens this Sunday, April 28. The ALCC Youth are raising funds for camp by holding

April 18, 2024

This past Sunday we launched our Legacy Campaign .  If you missed the service, check out Pastor Troy's message . He will continue this series through the month of April. You can find more information about the Legacy Campaign on our Facebook Page .  Also, as part of the Legacy Campaign, we have begun a Spiritual Journey together through fasting, devotions and prayer.  You can join us with our daily posts . Monday, April 22, is Pastor Angel's Birthday ! Be sure to wish this young man a happy birthday in person or by card, text, or social media. Monday is also when the Ladies' Book Club meets.  This group is open to any women with a love of books.  They now meet at Jalisco in Newburgh at 6 PM. If you'd like more information, see Michelle Miller. Wednesday, April 24, is the Young at Heart Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall at 11 AM.  Anyone over 50 is welcome to attend, but this gathering tends to cater to the retired crowd.  If you know anyone that fits that description,

April 11, 2024

This Friday, April 12, we will have another ALCC Work Day . This time we're cleaning out the garage and attic.  If you like to sort, organize or pitch we can use your help from 9 AM until 2 PM.  This Saturday, April 13, is Pastor Wes' Birthday !  Be sure to wish him a 'Happy Birthday' by card, text, or social media! The Remnant Men's Bible Study meets at ALCC this coming Tuesday, April 16, at 6:30 PM. Ladies' Prayer Group will meet in the ALCC Prayer Room again next Thursday, April 18, at 9:30 AM. If you know anyone new to ALCC, invite them to attend Life Track next Saturday, April 20, from 9 AM - 12 PM.  Sign up sheet is at the Hospitality Desk in the foyer. Also, mark your calendars now so you don't miss: Flourish   is a Sister Co. social event for all ladies.  Spend time with friends at our grazing table and pop up flower bar, plus enjoy speaker, Carla Boulware.  Flourish will be held in the Groundzero Student Center on Friday, April 26, at 6:30 PM. Al

April 4, 2024

The ALCC Men's Breakfast is this Saturday, April 6, at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.  While you're here, be sure to purchase your tickets for the BBQ Fundraiser : On Monday, April 8, we will experience a Total Solar Eclipse in our area.  Be sure to take proper precautions when viewing the eclipse and/or driving during the eclipse.  You might also watch out for unusual natural phenomena with weather and animals during the totality.  For more information, here is a link to the Indiana Government Website . Wednesday, April 10, is our monthly Young at Heart Bible Study at 10 AM.  Light refreshments will be served as you dig into God's Word with Pastor Mark. Next Thursday, April 11, the Ladies' Prayer Group meets in the ALCC Prayer Room at 9:30 AM. Mark your calendars now, on Friday April 12, we'll have an ALCC Work Day .  Pastor Johnathan is getting some teams together to clean out the attic, the garage, and maybe even some closets.  If you like to organize, sort,