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Showing posts from June, 2021

June 30, 2021

I'm a little early, but - Happy 4th of July Weekend! To celebrate Independence Day, we will have one combined service at 10 AM this Sunday.  You won't want to miss Pastor Troy's special All American message.  If you'll be out of town, remember you can join us live or watch the live-stream recording on our YouTube Channel. Also in recognition of the holiday, the church office will be closed Monday, July 5.  Things get back to normal on Tuesday, July 6th, with the Remnant that at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Wednesday, July 7th, we will resume First Wednesday with an all praise and worship night.  Make plans to be here at 6:30 PM. Coming up later in the month: This conference runs Friday evening, July 16, from 6:30 PM until 9:30 PM and Saturday, July 17, from 9 AM until 2:30 PM.  You can register yourself or the men in your life at Hope you have a wonderfully safe and patriotic holiday weekend!  See you Sunday!

June 24, 2021

VBS will be wrapping up tomorrow night!  Be praying for our last two nights, especially tonight's salvation message.  Also be praying for unsaved/unchurched families to come back Sunday morning as we celebrate the week with the kids singing some VBS songs in the second service. Also with the end of VBS comes the clean up!  If you're available on Friday evening from 8 - 9 PM and/or Saturday at 9:30 AM we could sure use your help! Sunday, Pastor Troy will be headed back to the book of Acts as he continues he series ACTS - Power for the Last Days.  If you've missed any of his messages, you can find all of them on our  YouTube  channel.  Also, be sure to get your binder for sermon notes!  They're available in the back of the sanctuary.  If you're missing any notes, shoot me an email at and I'll get those for you! Monday night, June 28 at 6 PM the Ladies' Book club will be meeting at Archie & Clyde's in Newburgh.  All women who enjoy a

June 17, 2021

Hope you're having a great week and are enjoying the sunshine! This weekend and next week is a busy one at ALCC!  Saturday, we will need all hands on deck to get the church ready for VBS.  We'll start at 10 AM and go until around 4 PM with lunch provided.  So if you're available, we can sure use the help.  And don't worry, we'll be done in plenty of time for those of you headed to the Family Night at the Otter's baseball game. Sunday is Father's Day!  To celebrate our dads, we will be having a food truck festival!  Following each service, food trucks will be set up in front of GZ ready to serve some great foods.  Be sure to invite your dads and your kids to church to hear Pastor Troy's message "Spiritual Fathers", then stay for lunch.  Dads eat for free - one meal at one truck, $10 limit.   Monday, at 6 PM Treasured VBS at ALCC begins!  If you're helping at VBS come and enjoy a meal from 4:30-5:30 PM and then get ready for the kids to start

June 10, 2021

Oops! I was so busy helping with the first day of Kid's Camp last week, I forgot to send anything out!  Good thing we didn't have much going on this week at ALCC.  But June is in full swing and things are about to get busy... Today our teens are headed up to Santa Claus, IN for a summer retreat weekend.  Be praying it is as successful as our Kid's Camp was last week! This Saturday, June 12, the men will hold their monthly breakfast at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.  All men, even teens and tweens, are invited to come out for some good food and an encouraging word. Sunday, Pastor Troy will continue in Acts as we look to God's Word for "Power for the Last Days" .  If you've missed any of the sermons on ACTS , you can find the recordings of our live-stream on our YouTube Channel. This weekend you will also want to get your tickets for the Man2Man sponsored Family Night at the Ballpark .  Come see the Evansville Otters play on June 19 at 6:35 PM.  Tickets a