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Showing posts from July, 2021

July 29, 2021

A new month starts on Sunday, so here's what's coming up in August: Sunday, Pastor Troy continues in the book of Acts.  Remember, if you missed any messages they are all available on our website  under "Messages".  There you'll find options to watch the entire service - Live Stream , just watch PT's message - Videos , or just listen to the audio of the message - Audio Podcast .  Also, if you need copies of the sermon notes for any week you may have missed, email me at and I'll get those to you! Next week we will be spending 7 days in corporate Prayer & Fasting .  During this time we will focus our prayer on children, schools and communities as kids return to school.  This Sunday you can also get a new " Prayer Helps " insert for your binder to use this week in your prayer time. The Remnant  men's Bible study meets on Tuesday, August 3, at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.  Speak to Bill Partridge if you'd like any mo

July 22, 2021

Hope you're having a blessed week! This Sunday, Pastor Troy will continue in the book of Acts with his sermon series, ACTS - Power for the Last Days.  If you've missed any of these messages you can find them on our webpage under Messages . Ladies, the Book Club meets this coming Monday at 6 PM at Archie & Clydes.  All are welcome to attend, even if you haven't yet read the book.  Come and enjoy the fun and find out what they're reading for August! This coming Wednesday, July 28, Young at Heart will host it's monthly luncheon.  This event is open to anyone 50 years and older that is available to come for a time of songs, an encouraging word, fellowship and food.  The luncheon is at 11 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Have a great weekend and see you Sunday!

July 15, 2021

It's going to be a hot one today!  Hope you're keeping cool! This weekend at ALCC, the Promise Keepers Conference Simulcast is available to all men on Friday evening and Saturday morning.  You can find out more information about the speakers at the Promise Keepers website ( ) and you can register for the ALCC simulcast HERE . They're on vacation this week, but you can still text or post on social media a very Happy Anniversary to Pastor Johnathan and Mimi this Saturday, July 17. This Sunday, Pastor Troy will continue in the book of Acts.  If you've missed any of these messages, you can find them on our website or our YouTube channel.  Also, if you haven't yet gotten your sermon notes binder, be sure to grab one in the back of the sanctuary.  Be sure you have also picked up this month's Prayer Help: Daily Prayer Covering.  If you're missing any notes just email me at  and I'll get them to you!  Next week the

July 8, 2021

Hope everyone had a safe and blessed 4th of July weekend!  Pastor Troy had a great Independence Day message this past Sunday.  If you missed it, you can find the recording of our live-stream and the podcast of his message on our website .  This Sunday, Pastor Troy will return to the book of Acts as he continues the series ACTS - Power for the Last Days. I hope you were able to join us last night for First Wednesday.  It was a great night in God's presence as we worshiped and prayed together!   Be sure to mark your calendar for next month's First Wednesday on August 4. This weekend we have some events going on for both the men and the women at ALCC: On Saturday morning, Man2Man Men's Ministry is holding it's monthly men's breakfast at 8:30 AM.  The guys always have a great speaker and some wonderful food. On Sunday, Sister Co. Women's Ministry is hosting a scavenger hunt.  Meet in the Fellowship Hall at 3 PM to break up into teams and then head out to photograp