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Showing posts from September, 2021

September 30, 2021

Tomorrow is the first day of October - a busy month at ALCC! Saturday morning, October 2, the Man2Man men's group will host their monthly breakfast .  Bring your friends and/or bring your sons to the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 AM. Sunday we begin our At the Movies sermon series with Captain America. All month long you'll have opportunities to invite the movie buffs in your life as we see how God wants to empower the superhero in each of us!  Also, October is Pastor Appreciation Month ! As we have done the past two years, we will be receiving an offering during the month of October for our pastors and their wives.  This offering will then be divided up among our pastors.  Simply mark your check/envelope "Pastor Appreciation" and drop it in the offering or drop boxes any time in October.  You can also give online , just be sure to choose the "Pastoral Gifts" fund from the drop down list.  If you prefer text-to-give, simply add the words "Pastoral Gifts"

September 24, 2021

Happy Fall!!  It's officially Autumn and it feels like it too.  Hope you're enjoying the beautiful weather! The ladies head off to the Vital Conference tomorrow, September 24.  If you are signed up to go and need further information you can visit the Indiana AG Women's Ministries  website  or you can contact our Sister Co. leader, Mallory Jordan. This Saturday. September 25 at 11 AM is our Men's Golf Outing at The Bridges Golf Course of Henderson.  If you'd like play 18 with the guys, contact Bill Partridge. This Sunday, September 26, we are kicking off our Operation Christmas Child (OCC) project.  Our goal is to fill over 100 shoe boxes with gifts to send to children all over the world to share the Gospel and the love of Christ.  During the service and in the sanctuary you'll find out more about OCC and how you can help us reach our goal. We're in the last week of September so here's what's coming up in October: Also coming up is our Global Famil

September 16, 2021

Today is Christina Traweek's Birthday !  She and her family are on vacation, but why not give her a shout out on social media and wish her a very Happy Birthday! ALCC's mom's group, Mama Co ., starts back up for the school year this coming Tuesday, September 21.  Mom's with kids of any age are welcome to attend the gathering in room 107 while volunteers watch the kiddos.  Mama Co. is from 9:15 AM until 11:15 AM.  Invite your friends! Also on Tuesday, September 21, is The Remnant men's Bible study.  All men are welcome to attend the study at ALCC at 6:30 PM. On Wednesday, September 22, Young at Heart will hold their monthly luncheon in the Fellowship Hall.  Anyone 50 and over are welcome to come and enjoy music, an uplifting message, and some wonderful food! This past Sunday we welcomed guest speakers, David and Candy Wigington.  If you missed their message, you can find the video podcast on our website .  Also, if you didn't get a chance to bless the Wigingto

September 9, 2021

Hope you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!  If you missed Pastor Troy's message on Sunday you may want to watch it before this weekend - so you know what the mountain on the stage is for!!  You can watch recordings of our live-stream services or you can watch a video podcast of just the message.  You can find links to these at  under Messages. Tomorrow, September 10, is Pastor Tyler's Birthday !  Be sure to send him some well wishes via text or social media.  This Saturday, September 11, Man2Man Ministries of ALCC will hold it's monthly Men's Breakfast at 8:30 AM.  All men (and boys) are welcome to attend this fun time in the Fellowship Hall. We also hope you'll take time this Saturday to remember 9-11.  On this 20th anniversary, lets lift up our First Responders, our Military, and our Nation in prayer. Two weeks ago I mentioned that Life Track was supposed to begin on September 12... BUT... that has now been bumped to October.  Hope this hasn't caus

September 2, 2021

Tomorrow, September 3rd, is Pastor Troy's birthday!  Don't forget to wish him a happy birthday! I hope you have a safe and restful holiday weekend!  Don't forget, we will have ONE service this Sunday, September 5 at 10 AM and the church office will be closed on Monday, September 6. We have a couple events coming up next week.  First, The Remnant men's Bible study meets on Tuesday evening at 6:30 PM.  All men are welcome to attend. Then on Friday, September 10, Pastor Tyler celebrates his birthday! Coming up later this month, is the men's golf outing on September 25.  This will be a fun day out on the links with the men of ALCC.  The cost for golf will be $33/person. Tee off at The Bridges Golf Course of Henderson at 11 AM. Teams will be announced at the course.  If you plan to attend, see Bill Partridge on Sunday!