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Showing posts from October, 2021

October 28, 2021

Tomorrow, October 29, is Lisa Short's birthday!   Be sure to send her a text or post a "🎉Happy Birthday🥳" on social media!  At the Movies concludes this Sunday... You won't want to miss this!  Not only is it the last of the At the Movies it's also Friend Day !  Invite your friends, your family, your neighbors, or even the gas station attendant!  Wear a superhero shirt, and dress up the kids as their favorite superheroes as we finish up this fun month of movies! Remember, "The Lord wants to empower the superhero in you.  It’s your job to activate it.” Pastor Appreciation Month is coming to a close... This is the last Sunday we will receive offerings for our pastors.  Be sure to mark your check or envelope "Pastor Appreciation" before you place it in the offering.  You can also give  online  by selecting the "Pastoral Gifts" fund in the drop down menu, or text the $ amount and the word "Pastors" to 812.205.2623. November starts o

October 21, 2021

At the Movies continues Sunday... The kids will join us in the sanctuary for this family-friendly message.  This would be a great week to invite your friends with elementary age kids - or anyone who likes Spiderman! 🕷 October is Pastor Appreciation Month! We have only 2 Sundays left to receive offerings for our pastors.  Be sure to mark your check or envelope "Pastor Appreciation" before you place it in the offering.  You can also give  online  by selecting the "Pastoral Gifts" fund in the drop down menu, or text $, the  amount and the word "Pastors" to 812.205.2623. Tuesday, October 26, at 6:30 PM Sister Co. is hosting  Bunco Night !  🎲 Put on some comfy clothes, maybe bring along a snack 🍪 & some decaf ☕, and come join the fun in the Fellowship Hall!   Wednesday, October 27, at 11 AM is the monthly Young at Heart Luncheon .  Due to the Holidays in November and December, this will be the last one for 2021. You won't want to miss the Thanksgivin

October 14, 2021

Tomorrow, Friday, October 15, is the Operation Christmas Child Packing Party.  Join the fun in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 PM.  Kids are welcome to come help with their parents or grandparents, however, childcare will be NOT be provided.  If you need a list of gift suggestions contact the church office today, Thursday, October 14 by 4 PM.   At the Movies continues Sunday...  Invite everyone you know who loves this Caped Crusader to see how you can activate the superhero God wants to empower in you! October is Pastor Appreciation Month! We continue to receive offerings for our pastors.  Be sure to mark your check or envelope "Pastor Appreciation" before you place it in the offering.  You can also give  online  by selecting the "Pastoral Gifts" fund in the drop down menu, or text the $ amount and the word "Pastors" to 812.205.2623. Next week, October 19, is the third Tuesday of October.  That means we have both the  Mama Co. mom's group at 9:15 AM and th

October 7, 2021

At the Movies continues Sunday... Invite all the Superman fans you know to see how “The Lord wants to empower the superhero in you. It’s your job to activate it.” October is Pastor Appreciation Month!   We will continue to receive an offering for our pastors all month.  Be sure to mark your check or envelope "Pastor Appreciation" before you place it in the offering.  You can give online by selecting the "Pastoral Gifts" fund in the drop down menu.  Or, you can give via text to 812.205.2623 by putting "Pastors" in the same text after the dollar amount. Monday, October 11, the Sister Co. annual bonfire is back!   Grab your sisters, cousins, friends - all the ladies in your life - and come join us for some fun fall fellowship.  Meet at the firepit at Darlene Brackett's, 5488 Lakeside Drive, Newburgh at 6:30 PM. Then on Tuesday, October 26, Sister Co. will host a BUNCO night!  Bring a friend, meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 PM and let the dice rollin