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Showing posts from October, 2022

October 27, 2022

Tomorrow night, October 28, is the Operation Christmas Child Packing Party .  Meet in the GZ Building at 6 PM to help pack boxes to send the love of Jesus and some Christmas cheer to children all around the world.  You can also drop off items for the shoe boxes even if you can't stay to pack. Saturday, October 29 is Lisa Short's birthday !  Be sure to send her a text, message, or social media post to wish her a happy day. This Sunday is Celebration Sunday .  We will have ONE combined service at 10 AM with communion, water baptisms and testimonies. Also, Sunday is the last day to give for Pastor Appreciation .  Let's show our pastors and their wives how much we love them by blessing them through this special offering.  You can mark you envelope "Pastor Appreciation", you can give online by selecting "Pastor Appreciation" from the fund list, or you can text-to-give by including "Pastors" with the amount you'd like to give. Tuesday is Novembe

October 20, 2022

Tomorrow night, Sister Co. is hosting BREATHE a worship experience in the GZ Sanctuary at 6:30 PM .  Come enjoy our special guests Cedric Cobb from Surface Church and Tori Hammer from Elevation Church.  This service is for ALL women of ALL ages!  You won't want to miss it! This Sunday: Join us as we learn how we are called to "Make a Difference" from the inspiring true story of Michael Oher and the Tuohy family in The Blind Side .  This is the last of our At The Movies sermons so be sure to join us in person this week! We have several events coming up next week: Monday, October 24, at 6:00 PM , the Ladies' Book Club meets at Archie & Clyde's.  Any women who love to read are welcome to attend.  See Michelle Miller for more information. Wednesday, October 26 , is our monthly Young at Heart Luncheon .  Invite your friends and meet in the Fellowship Hall at 11 AM.  This is a great time geared especially for those of retirement age, but anyone over 50 is welcome

October 13, 2022

This Saturday, October 15, is the Men's Golf Outing at The Bridges Golf Course of Henderson .  If you signed up to play, please be there and ready to tee off at 11 AM.  If you have any other questions about the event, contact Bill Partridge. Sunday we continue... Come and learn from Hidden Figures , how you can "Discover Your Purpose" through the incredible true story of the brilliant women who helped NASA win the Space Race.  Once again, we are unable to stream the At the Movies sermons due to copyright restrictions, so join us in person! We have a few things coming up next week: On Tuesday, The Remnant Men's Bible Study meets at ALCC at 6:30 PM.  All men are welcome to attend! On Thursday morning, the Ladies' Prayer Group  meets at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room.  We also have Mama Co. on Thursday morning at 9:15 AM.  This group is for moms with kids of any age and childcare is provided. Ladies, coming up next Friday, October 21, is BREATHE , a worship exper

October 6, 2022

Join us Sunday for  "At The Movies" continues at ALCC.  Come and see how we can "Find Freedom" from this heartwarming true story about Walt Disney and the creator of Mary Poppins .  Feel free to being a drink to go with your popcorn and invite your friends and family to join us too.  Remember, we are unable to live-stream this messages, so you'll want to be here in person. October is Pastor Appreciation Month!  Once again we are receiving an offering to divide among our pastoral staff.  Since it's all lumped together, even small amounts can add up to a big blessing!  You can give in person by marking your check/envelope "Pastor Appreciation".  You can also give online by selecting "Pastor Appreciation" from the fund drop down list.  If you'd like to give via text, simple send "$[amount] Pastors" to 812-205-2623.  October is also when we prepare for Operation Christmas Child .  There are lots of ways for you to get involve