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Showing posts from September, 2023

September 28, 2023

Sunday is October 1st: Note the events coming up next week: The Remnant men's bible study meets on Tuesday at 6:30 PM First Wednesday : meal starting at 5:15 PM and service at 6:30 PM Men's Breakfast on Saturday, October 7, at 8:30 AM Also October is when we celebrate Be watching for emails and text messages sharing how you can show our pastors how much we appreciate them! Don't forget to bring in your items for Operation Christmas Child !  Whether you are picking up a bunch of school supplies, personal hygiene items, or grabbing some Wow items from the trees at church, but sure to drop off your donations in the big red boxes at church no later than October 22.  Then, plan on helping at the Shoebox Packing Party on Friday, October 27.  Donations for postage can be put in the offering any time this month.

September 21, 2023

Pastor Troy will finish his sermon series on the Blessed Life this Sunday.  We've had electrical failures the past two Sundays, so neither of the first two messages were live-streamed or recorded in their entirety.  If you want to hear this last one, maybe you should be sure to attend in person! 😀 Even when there is no electricity at church there is always power! We have quite a few things going on next week!  Be sure to mark your calendars! The Ladies' Book Club meets Monday, September 25, at 6 PM at Archie & Clyde's in Newburgh.  For more information, see Michelle Miller. Tuesday, September 26, is the Sister Co. Bonfire .  Meet at the fire pit at 5488 Lakeside Drive in Newburgh at 6:30 PM.  This is always a fun girls night with lots of laughs and s'mores! Wednesday, September 27, at 11 AM is the Young at Heart Luncheon .  Meet in the Fellowship Hall for music, a message, an encouraging word, and some really good food.  Invite your friends who are 50 and over t

September 14, 2023

Happy Thursday!  Here's what we have going on at ALCC: Saturday, September 16, is Christina Traweek's birthday .  Be sure to send her a text or post something on social media telling her Happy Birthday!! Join us Sunday as Pastor Troy continues his sermon series on the Blessed Life .  Unfortunately, due to two separate electricity outages this past Sunday, neither service was able to be recorded.  But if you missed it, don't worry!  I'm sure PT will catch you up this week so you won't be lost! Tuesday, September 19, The Remnant men's Bible study meets at ALCC at 6:30 PM. Then on Thursday, September 21, the Ladies' Prayer Group meets in the ALCC Prayer Room at 9:30 AM. There has been a little confusion over this!  The annual sister Co. bonfire is NOT this weekend, it will be Tuesday, September 26, at 6:30 PM .  Save the date now so you won't miss out!

September 7, 2023

This Saturday, September 9, ALCC will be hosting Life Track from 9 AM until 12 PM in the Fellowship Hall.  If you are new to Abundant Life, a new member, or new to getting involved, this class is for you!  Come and learn all about our Pastors, our church, our mission, as well as how God made you unique and where you can best serve at ALCC.  If you know anyone at ALCC that is new, be sure to encourage them to attend. Childcare and refreshments will be available. Sunday, September 10, is Pastor Tyler's Birthday .  Be sure to wish him a Happy Birthday in person at church, on social media, with a text or even a card. Wednesday, September 13, is the Young at Heart Bible Study at 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall.  Anyone over 50 is welcome to attend, so invite your friends for their study on the story of Joseph. Next Thursday, September 14, the Ladies' Prayer Group meets at 9:30 AM in the ALCC Prayer Room.  All women are welcome to attend.