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Showing posts from December, 2020

December 28 - January 3

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year!  Remember, the church office is closed this week.  If you need something you can text the church number, 812.853.3437, and some one will get back with you as soon as we can. In person services resume this Sunday, January 3rd.  Start the new year in church! Here is the calendar for January: Please note, all events are subject to change or cancelation.  Unfortunately that's the world we live in now, so we thank you for continuing to be flexible and understanding! Have a great week as we say good bye to 2020 and hello to 2021 - hope the new year brings blessings and spiritual breakthrough for us all! <a href="">Designed by Freepik</a> photo - dimitry-anikin-1oiXyerNY5Y-unsplash

December 21 - 27

It's the week of Christmas and all through the house...  I bet some are scurrying about like a mouse!!  I hope you take time this week to enjoy the season and count your blessings! Yesterday was our Christmas Sunday Service and the finale of Christmas at the Movies .  Pastor Troy used A Christmas Carol to show us how Redemption is the beautiful carol of Christmas.  If you missed it, you can find our on-line version on our YouTube Channel.  Just remember to watch the movie first since we cannot include movie clips (we watched the 1984 George C. Scott version). The church office will be closed Christmas Eve until January 4th. If you need anything during this time you can text the church number and some one will get back with you as soon as they can. Also, don't forget, on Sunday, December 27, we will have on-line service only.  Join us for Pastor Mark's special message from the comfort of your couch - maybe still in your Christmas PJs - via our website , Facebook page, o

December 14 - 20

Christmas is almost here!  This year will be a different Christmas for some, but maybe that just means we can slow down and enjoy the season! I hope you were able to join us yesterday.  In the morning we had our family friendly, Christmas at the Movies message with the Polar Express .  The kids joined us for a message where Pastor Troy encouraged us to " Believe " - in Jesus - because believing is the key to hearing and seeing the wonders of Christmas.  If you missed the message you can watch the online version on our YouTube channel. Then last night we enjoyed a great performance from our kids!  The ALCC Pre-K brought lots of joy as they dressed like the nativity animals and sang for us.  Then the ALCC Kids did a great job as they presented Hotel Noel and reminded us what Christmas is really all about!  If you missed it, there are lots of posts from proud parents and grandparents on social media!! Tomorrow morning our moms' group, Mama Co., meets at 9:15 AM.  This is

December 7 - 13

Happy December!  Hope everyone is finding time to enjoy the Christmas season! Yesterday we had a great time at ALCC as Christmas at the Movies continued with White Christmas .  If you weren't there you missed the snow!  We had snow machines blow "snow" at the finale of the message as our ushers passed out Hostess Snowballs.  We can't re-create the snow for you but, if you missed the message, you can watch it on our YouTube channel. Nothing going on through the week at ALCC so spend some time with family! This Sunday we will have a double feature!  In the AM services we will have the kids join us in the sanctuary for: We look at The Polar Express and are reminded to Keep Believing , because believing is the key to hearing and seeing the wonders of Christmas! Remember, we can not show clips of the movie on YouTube, so if you're not able to join us in person, you may want to watch the movie with the family before watching our virtual sermon. Then in the evening,