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Showing posts from May, 2024

May 30, 2024

Saturday is June First so here is what we have planned: Notice the first 9 days of June we will be making a big splash at Scuba VBS!  This Saturday and Sunday we'll be turning the church into an undersea adventure where kids will discover what living water is all about.  We'll need all hands on deck to help get things ready (see above for times).  Then we'll dive in on Monday at 6 PM, parents can drop off kids starting at 5:45 PM.  Be praying for great weather, good health & energy for our volunteers, protection over the entire event and most importantly that the kids will experience God in a powerful way.  Online registration will be open until Sunday night, but we will take walk-in registration through the week. Finally, on Sunday, June 9, all the kids are invited back to ALCC for either service so they can preform some of the songs they've learned.  Note the things that are NOT happening: No First Wednesday until August The Remnant will only meet at ALCC once th

May 23, 2024

It's just a little over a week until Scuba VBS at ALCC!!  Help us make VBS oceans of fun! 🐠🐟 Help with decorations:   Work Days are planned for Saturday, May 25, and Saturday, June 1, from 10 AM until 2 PM.   Decoration Day is on Sunday, June 2, immediately following 2nd service; lunch will be provided. Volunteer during VBS :  Go HERE and register to help in a station, as a crew leader, or wherever!  ALL Volunteers are asked to attend one of two meetings on May 25 and May 26 at 4 PM  (there was a typo in the email, these are the correct dates) Register participants :  Sign up your kids, grandkids, neighbors, friends, etc. to come dive below the surface and experience friendship with God HERE is the link for participant registration, or you can fill out a paper form available in the back of the sanctuary We will also have walk in registration available every night of VBS Pray :  That Scuba VBS is a huge success That children will begin a relationship with God  That they all have

May 16, 2024

We've been collecting pledges for the Legacy Campaign for the past two Sundays, but it's not too late to make your commitment to expanding and improving the ALCC facilities.  Pick up a commitment card on Sunday or use our digital connection card at Only 2 1/2 weeks until VBS !! 😱 Now's the time to get registered to volunteer, sign up your kids or grandkids and plan to help make ALCC into Oceans of Fun!  Registration forms can be found in the back of the sanctuary or at .  There will be VBS Work Days on each Saturday from 10 AM until 2 PM leading up to the big Decoration Day on Sunday, June 2 immediately following 2nd service (lunch will be provided).  Also plan to attend one of the Volunteer Meetings scheduled for Saturday, May 25, and Sunday, May 26, at 4 PM.  Hope to "sea" you there! Due to Memorial Day, the ALCC Ladies' Book Club will meet earlier this month.  The women will meet at Jalisco on Monday, May 20, at 6 PM. The R

May 9, 2024

Help our teens raise funds for camp! This Saturday, May 11, there will be a Youth Yard Sale in the Fellowship Hall.  Donations for the sale will be taken today, May 9, until 4 PM, and again tomorrow, May 10, after 2 PM.  If you need to come a different time, contact Angel.  Then on Saturday the yard sale will open at 8 AM. Come see what treasures you can buy! This Sunday, May 12, is Mother's Day !  As we celebrate all the wonderful moms at ALCC, we will have all kids in service for worship time and special blessing.  Afterwards, elementary age kids will be escorted to Kids Church and our Pre-K kiddos can be dropped off at their classrooms. Last Sunday we collected our Legacy Capital Campaign commitment cards.  If you weren't here or weren't ready to make your pledge, you can do so this coming Sunday or you can use our digital commitment card .  If you have any questions about the Legacy Campaign, pick up a Case Statement flyer at the information table at the back of the s

May 2, 2024

It's a new month so here is what we have coming up: Note the things coming up soon: Men's Breakfast  on Saturday, May 4 The Remnant men's bible study on Tuesday, May 7 Young at Heart Bible Study on Wednesday, May 8 Women's Prayer Group on Thursday, May 9 Next Sunday, May 12, is Mother's Day .  All of us have or have had a mom, many of us are moms, and all of us know some pretty amazing moms here at ALCC - so lets celebrate all the moms!!  As part of the celebration, we will have Baby Dedications available in either service.  If you would like to dedicate your baby or know someone who does, please contact the church office at 812-853-3437. VBS is about a month away!  We still need volunteers to make this the best VBS yet.  Starting Saturday, May 11, there will be decoration work days from 10 AM until 2 PM.  Come help make all the pieces that make our VBS look so 'fin'-tastic!  You can also sign up to help the week of VBS and register your kids/grandkids H