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Showing posts from November, 2020

November 30 - December 6

Now that Thanksgiving is over (hopefully it was a wonderful time with food and family!) and we have our first snow of the season, I think we all can agree that Christmastime is here! We continued our Christmas at the Movies series yesterday as we took a look at It's a Wonderful Life and learned Your Life Matters .  Every act of kindness has a ripple effect of God's blessing.  If you missed it, you can watch it on our YouTube channel! Tomorrow at ALCC: Our mom's group will meet in December!  Moms with kiddos of any age are welcome to attend this gathering for some adult conversation and encouragement!  The group meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month from 9:15 to 11:15 AM.  Childcare is provided.  If you know any moms, invite them!! This coming Sunday join us for: We'll have the popcorn ready at 9 and 10:45 AM!  Remember, if you're watching via live-stream, we aren't able to include any movie clips.  So be sure to watch the movie in advance to get the mo

Thanksgiving Week

  Hope you all are healthy, well and ready for Thanksgiving!  The holidays might look a little different this year, but we all have many things to Thank our Lord for this year.  I hope you get to spend some time this week with family, in person or virtually, up close or at a distance, any way we can.  Oh, and be sure to eat some pumpkin pie!! This Sunday, join us for Christmas at the Movies as we take a look at:  We will meet in person at 9 and 10:45 AM.  You can also join us online on our website , Facebook page or YouTube channel, however, we can not include movie clips.  If you choose to join us virtually, you may want to watch this classic film in advance.  You can find last week's sermon on our YouTube channel as well.  Be sure to watch the movie, Elf before viewing PT's message on Choosing Joy . Mark your calendars for  Our kids have been working hard preparing for this musical!  You won't want to miss it! If you haven't yet seen our church lit up for Christma

November 19, 2020

Hello everyone!  Hope you are healthy and well!  Sorry it took me until today to update the blog, but I didn't want to give any information that might change!  Thank you for being flexible this year, it's been crazy to say the least. The church is still closed due to quarantine, but while we were away our halls have been decked for Christmas! Thank you to Crystal Willis for posting pictures on Facebook so those of us not getting out can see how great it all looks!  We hope these decorations will get you all in the holiday spirit and shine a light in our community.   These decorations are up right on time for our Christmas at the Movies series starting this Sunday.  This weekend we will see how we can Choose Joy as we look at one of my favorite Christmas films, Elf . So, don't be a Cotton-Headed Ninnymuggins and join us Sunday at 9 and 10:45 AM.  We WILL meet in person and have the popcorn ready.  For those of us that are still under quarantine or just taking extra precaut

November 9 - 15

Well, what an interesting weekend we all had!  So sorry for any inconvenience we may have caused but this was unprecedented!  The Pastoral Care Team hosted a fun night for the pastors, their wives and the administrative staff.  Afterwards, someone in the group developed Covid-like symptoms.  At 9 PM on a Saturday night decisions had to be made for the well being of everyone involved as well as the whole church.  That is why in-person services and Life Groups were canceled yesterday.  We still don't have results from any tests, but we know even if all staff have to be quarantined there is enough time and enough volunteers to have in-person services this coming Sunday, November 15th .  We hope you'll be here! If you didn't see yesterday's online service, you can watch the recording of it on our YouTube channel.  Pastor Troy gave a great message on F.A.I.T.H. as he continued his series on Faith > fear . Even though we didn't have in-person services yesterday, you

November 2 - 8

Happy November, everyone!  For some of us, it's still fall, for others, November 1st marks the beginning of Christmas!  Whichever season you're in, let's all remember to give thanks this month! If you missed yesterday's message (or any week's message) you can always find the recording of our live-stream on our YouTube channel.  This week Pastor Troy continued his sermon series, Faith > fear as we looked at Hebrews 11: 27-31 . There have been changes to our schedule since the last blog post and since I put out the calendars in the restrooms at church.  Bear with us during this season as our events and plans are subject to change. Here are the events coming up this week: FYI, the Groundzero building is being used as a polling place so keep that in mind if you have any business at the church Tuesday. Also note, the First Wednesday for November and December has been canceled.  We hope to resume these wonderful nights of corporate praise and prayer in 2021.  And, as