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Showing posts from April, 2021

April 29, 2021

Hope you are staying dry this wet Spring day!  We begin a new month this weekend and with it new events.  Last week I gave you the calendar for May.  If you don't remember what was on it, here it is again: This Sunday, Pastor Troy continues his sermon series, Acts - Power for the Last Days .  If you miss any of these messages, you can find recordings of our live-stream on our YouTube channel.  Also, remember you can find sermon notes each week on the You Version Bible app .  Just look under "Events" and find Abundant Life Community Church .  These notes are available for one week.  If you need printed or a pdf version of the sermon handout, contact me (Kim Forston) at or call 812-853-3437 and I'll get those to you! This coming week we have lots going on!  On Tuesday we have the mom's group, Mama Co. , in the morning and the men's Bible study, The Remnant , in the evening.  On Wednesday we have our monthly praise and prayer night, First We

April 22, 2021

Happy Thursday!  I hope you have thawed out and your outdoor plants survived the freeze this week.  Thank God it will be very short lived, as I shared in my personal blog, It's Temporary!   Pastor Troy started to dig into Acts as he continued with the sermon series, ACTS - Power for the Last Days .  If you've missed the first two in the series, or may be out of town in the next several weeks, you can always catch up on our YouTube channel. Wednesday, April 28, the Young at Heart Luncheon is back!  All who are 50 and older are invited to join others for some old songs, timely devotionals, and of course food!  The event starts at 11 AM and is held in the Fellowship Hall.  If you have any questions, see Pastor Mark. There are lots of events coming up in May: And don't forget we still need volunteers to help with VBS in June.  If you'd like to help you can sign up HERE . References: Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

April 15, 2021

I can't believe we're already half way through April!  And that means May is just around the corner.  Next week I'll include the calendar for the merry merry month of May. One early May event I need to tell you about today is: If you have a little one that you'd like dedicated, call the church office at 812.853.3437 no later than April 26th.  The church office is open Monday-Thursday, 8 AM - 4 PM, or you can leave a message with Kim or Debbie if you call after hours. Next week we have a couple events coming up on Tuesday.  In the morning, Mama Co. will meet at 9:15 AM and then in the evening, The Remnant will meet at 6:30 PM. This Sunday, Pastor Troy will continue he sermons series, " ACTS, Power for the Last Days ".  If you missed this past weeks message, you can find the recording of our live-stream on our YouTube channel. We are still looking for volunteers for VBS.  Treasured VBS will be held June 21-25, 6-8 PM.  It's going to take a lot of help to

April 8, 2021

Hope you've been enjoying the beautiful weather this week! This past weekend we experienced one of the best Easters in a LONG time!  On Saturday, we had over 150 kids with parents and grandparents come to our Easter Egg Hunt.  Then on Sunday we had well over 400 people join us for in-person Easter services.  It was so good to see our sanctuary full again!  I hope you were one of those able to attend, but if not you'll want to watch Pastor Troy's sermon, Hope Unveiled .  You can find the recordings of our live-stream on our YouTube channel. Tonight, join us for First Wednesday at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary for a time of praise and prayer with your ALCC family! Men, don't forget - the Men's Breakfast is this Saturday morning at 8:30 AM.  It's a good meal and you'll hear a great message from the speaker, David Heal. This Sunday, April 11, Pastor Troy begins a new sermon series: Join us in-person or online at 9:00 or 10:45 AM, as we learn from Acts how we can b

April 1, 2021

April First, No fools, just information on what's coming up at ALCC! This weekend is the big event - THE BEST EASTER EVER!    First up we have our Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 3, from 10:30 AM until 12 PM.  This event is open to all families in our community with kids 12 and under.  Invite friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. to come join the fun.  We will have the Easter Bunny here, inflatables for all ages, and of course the egg hunt at 11:30 AM. Sunday, we have Easter Services with communion and a great message from Pastor Troy.  Our overflow room will be open for those who'd like to social distance a bit more and of course we have our live-stream for those who cannot attend in-person.  Be sure to invite those in your circle of influence to join you for Easter at ALCC, however you choose to attend.  Nursery and Pre-K are available both services and Kids Church is available at the 10:45 service only.  Please note, Kids Church will be meeting in the GZ building