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Showing posts from August, 2021

August 26, 2021

Hope you've found a way to beat the heat this week!  Maybe this will be the last of the super hot temps this summer since fall is right around the corner! We have a lot of things coming up in September so mark your calendars now! You'll notice the first two items on the calendar are coming up next week.  First Wednesday praise and prayer night is Wednesday, September 1st, at 6:30 PM.  Join us in the sanctuary for corporate worship.  Then Friday, September 3rd is Pastor Troy's Birthday .  Why not send a card, send a text, or post a "Happy Birthday" on social media. In addition to all of the above, we will also start a new session of Life Track on Sunday, September 12.  If you are new to ALCC or are ready to get involved then Life Track is for you!  Life Track is a four-week journey of discovering who we are, why we do what we do, where we are going, what is your purpose and then joining our dream team.  Each session meets immediately after 2nd service and includes

August 19, 2021

Hope you are having a blessed week! Ladies, time is running out for you to register for the Vital Conference and save $10!  If you're planning to go, you can come by the church office today (August 19) before 4 PM and pay by cash, check or credit card.  If you can't make it to the office you can pay via Venmo to the Sister Co. account and contact Mallory Jordan at  to get registered. Happy Anniversary today to Pastor Mark and Lisa Short!  If you haven't already, why not shoot them a text or post something on social media! Wednesday, August 25, at 11 AM the seniors of ALCC will hold their monthly luncheon.  Come and enjoy some wonderful music, a word of encouragement, a great meal and a time of fun and fellowship.  All seniors are welcome to attend, so invite your friends! We don't have anything else on the calendar for next week, but here are some other events coming up you might like to know about: Coming up on September 1 is our First Wedne

August 12, 2021

Hope you've found a way to beat the heat this week!  Even though school has started, it is still Summer! We forgot to announce that as of last Sunday, ALCC Kids will now hold Kid's Church in the GZ building.  Hopefully it wasn't too confusing for our parents last week!  The Pre-K and Nursery age kids will stay in their same areas - Rooms 101-105. This Sunday we will hold Water Baptisms.  If you'd like to take part let us know.  We even have t-shirts and shorts available for those who might choose to take part last minute.  This is a great way to share with the world that you have decided to be a disciple of Jesus! Ladies, you'll want to be sure to register on Sunday for the Women's Conference coming up in September!  Fill out a registration form at the Hospitality Desk and you can pay by cash, check, or charge.  The cost is $98 including hotel with a discount for single moms, students, and seniors (55+).  Remember, the price goes up $10 if you don't register

August 5, 2021

Hope you've been able to enjoy the cooler temps this week! Depending on where you live you may have seen some school buses out on the roads or maybe you have kiddos back to school or getting ready to return.  Either way, remember to keep our students, schools and communities in your prayers! We had an awesome time in the presence of God last night at First Wednesday .  If you missed it, mark your calendars for our next praise and prayer night on September 1. This Saturday, August 7, is the monthly Men's Breakfast .  Come enjoy some great food in the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 AM.  Afterwards, enjoy an encouraging word from one of the guys.  Invite your friends and bring your sons, dads and grandpas! We don't have any events coming up next week but there are some in the future you might want to sign up for! We will be holding Water Baptism on Sunday, August 15.  If you or someone in your family has never been baptized and would like to take that next step, sign up at the Hospi