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Showing posts from November, 2023

November 30, 2023

Tomorrow is December 1, so here is the calendar for the month: Guys, don't forget the Men's Breakfast this Saturday, December 2, at 8:30 AM.  Meet in the Fellowship Hall for some good food and hear guest speaker, Dennis Turpin. This Sunday, December 3, is the Newburgh Holiday Light Parade and ALCC will be participating with a Bethlehem Revisited float .  Come out to enjoy the show which begins at 6 PM.  We are float #3 in the parade.  If you signed up to help, you should have received some texts about picking up costumes today. Also, we have all the information about parking, rides, times and more typed up and ready for you to take with your costumes.  If you didn't sign up but would like to participate, stop by the church today and get your costume. Ladies, the Sister Co. Christmas Soirée is this coming Tuesday, December 5, at 6:15 PM. It's not too late to get your ticket - get yours Sunday! The Remnant men's bible study will meet in the gz building on Tuesday

November 22, 2023

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow! This Sunday is the finale of At the Movies with the family friendly movie, Inside Out .  Invite your friends and family with kids since everyone will join us in the main sanctuary for this one (no kids church).  However, nursery and Pre-K classes will still be available. The last Book Club of 2023 will be next Monday, November 27, at 6 PM.  Join the ladies at Archie and Clyde's as they discuss some great books and plan what to read during the break. ALCC is building a float for the Newburgh Holiday Light Parade .  The parade is Sunday, December 3, at 6 PM.  Our float will be Bethlehem Revisited so we'll need lots of volunteers to dress in costumes of villagers, Roman soldiers, shepherds and more.  If you'd like to help, sign up at the table in the back of the sanctuary.  We'll contact you about costume pick up, parking, arrival times and more, so be sure to list a phone number.  Time is running out to get your tick

November 16, 2023

At the Movies continues this Sunday with Safety .  Go ahead and save this picture and text it to invite your friends and family to join us! Sign up on Sunday to help with the ALCC Christmas Parade Float.  The Newburgh Holiday Light Parade will be Sunday, December 3 at 6 PM.  Our float will be Bethlehem Revisited (on wheels!). We need lots of volunteers to ride/walk with the float in the parade in costumes.  Don't think you can walk the whole route? No problem! We'll have an area by the judges table where you can stay, interact with the crowd, and then join the rest of our villagers when they stop.  If you'd like to help, you can sign up at the table in the back of the sanctuary by the popcorn. Ladies, get your tickets to the Sister Co. Christmas Soiree this Sunday!  The banquet will be on Tuesday, December 5, at 6:15 PM and the tickets cost $20. We don't have anything coming up next week due to 🦃 Thanksgiving 🦃. Hope you enjoy your holiday with family and friends

November 9, 2023

Saturday, November 11, is Veterans Day  Abundant Life honors all who served - Happy Veterans Day! At the Movies sermon series continues this Sunday!  You bring a friend and we'll make the popcorn 🍿 Remember, we can't live-stream these messages due to copyright laws so be sure to join us in person. Next Thursday, November 16, the Ladies' Prayer Group meets for the last time this year.  All women are welcome to come and join in prayer in the ALCC Prayer Room at 9:30 AM. Ladies, save the date! The Sister Co. Christmas Banquet is coming up Tuesday, December 5, at 6:15 PM.  Mark your calendars now so you don't miss out! Also, you can purchase your tickets starting this Sunday for $20/each.

November 2, 2023

Guys, don't forget the  Men's Breakfast  this Saturday, November 4, at 8:30 AM.  Come hear a great message from Miles Willis while you enjoy a good meal! Don't forget, Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend!  Our smart devices will change automatically, but remember to change your manual clocks - like the one on the oven!  Enjoy your extra hour of sleep and then join us Sunday morning. This Sunday, November 5, we begin   At the Movies .  Each Sunday in November we will be looking at biblical truths that we can find in these films: Top Gun Maverick ; Inside Out ; The Pursuit of Happiness ; and Safety .  We'll have the popcorn ready; be sure to invite your friends! Monday, November 6, is Mimi Montoya's Birthday !  Be sure to tell her happy birthday, send her a card or text, or even post something on social media for her special day! Tuesday, November 7, The Remnant men's bible study meets at 6:30 PM. Wednesday, November 8, the Young at Heart Bible Study meets