
Showing posts from August, 2020

August 30 - September 6

Well, tomorrow we begin a new month, September.  The temperatures may not feel like it but Fall is almost upon us.  I sure hope some cooler and less humid days are soon to come! If you weren't able to be with us yesterday, you missed a great message!  Pastor Troy began a new series entitled Overcoming Faith based on Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." It was a powerful and encouraging word!  Unfortunately, our live-stream was having technical difficulties.  Hopefully the recording will become available on our YouTube channel soon. Here are the events coming up this week: Don't forget, Monday, September 7th is Labor Day.  Enjoy your long weekend and remember, the church office will be closed. Again, feel free to share this post on Facebook, Twitter, or via email or text.  If you read this from a link you saw on social media or sent to you by a friend, you can sign up to receive a text mes...

August 24 - 30

Happy Monday!  Hope you're ready for some hot weather this week in Southern Indiana.  The kids may be back in school but it's still summer for a while yet. Yesterday we had a great message from Pastor Mark Short on Prayer.  His message,  based on 2 Chronicles 7:14 "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble  themselves and PRAY ..." , reminded us that we all need to spend a little time with Jesus.  If you missed it yesterday, you can watch the recording of our live-stream .   Here is this week's events: There isn't much going on at ALCC... yet!  September is right around the corner and hopefully (you never know with the season we're living in!) new things will be starting.  Our youth group is meeting on Wednesday nights for the next 3 weeks and then they will move to Sunday nights on September 13th.  Other events will begin on Sunday nights too, like ALCC Kids Christmas play practice and some ALCC small groups.  Stay tune...

August 17-23

It's another great week in Southern Indiana!  And we had another great message Sunday at ALCC.  Pastor Wes Traweek shared an amazing message, Awaken the King .  We looked at several scriptures in Mark as Pastor Wes showed us how to Awaken the King in our lives.  If you missed his message, you can watch the recording of our live-stream HERE . His message also encouraged me to share how God moved in my life last year and brought about a healing in a way I never expected.  You can read my testimony on my personal blog.  If you have a testimony you'd like to share, send it to me at or feel free to comment below. Here are the events coming up this week: If you haven't done so already, let us know if you'll be ready to join an ALCC Group this Fall by filling out one of our surveys.  You can fill out a paper form on Sunday and drop it in the offering drop box, or you can fill out this digital form . Have a great week! Resources: <a href...

August 8-16

Hello ALCC Family!  I hope you are having a terrific week so far! How are you coping with the challenging times we are living in?  Do you have "Even If" faith to see you through?  If you don't know what I'm talking about, you must have missed Pastor Tyler's message yesterday.  It was a great Sunday School type lesson based on the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendigo.  If you missed it head to our YouTube channel and watch it soon!  It was awesome!! Here are the events coming up this week: For those of you with Middle and High School students, we are having GZ on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM.  Follow them on Instagram for up to date information. Don't forget we are providing Covid Care Packages for our church family and their family and friends in our area.  If you or someone you're close to has Covid-19 or are being quarantined due to exposure, let us know so we can send them a package to cheer them up!  Just call the church office at 81...

ALCC Small Groups

We want to see who is interested in being a part of a group this fall. You can pick up a survey form at church and drop it in an Offering Drop Box, or you can fill one out online at our website .  One form per family is fine, just be sure to list both spouses plus kids/students that would be attending if available this fall.

August 3-8

It's another great week at ALCC!  Thanks for reading our blog - be sure to share it with others.  Simply click on the share symbol (the   <   thingy with dots on the ends) and then post it to Facebook & Twitter or you can email the link to someone. This past Sunday we had a message from Pastor Troy.  I heard it was good, but I was needed in the nursery last minute so I missed it.  I need to watch it on our YouTube channel.  If you missed it too, you can find the recording of our live stream HERE . Here are this week's events... Coming up this Sunday, we will begin sign-ups for all ALCC Small Groups.  Be looking for group descriptions and sign-up sheets in the seat backs.  Take one home and think about it, or fill it out and drop it in one of our offering drop boxes.  There are four drop boxes in the sanctuary, one in the foyer and one in the Fellowship Hall. If you haven't already, you can sign up to receive a notificati...